The musically punishing horde named Doomsday Outlaw, which hails from the UK, blew yours truly the fuck away by means of this 15-track effort appropriately entitled "Suffer More". These talented dudes offer raw and pounding hard rock with a thick Southern vibe to it, and it sounds absolutely massive. There are parts and aspects of this record that bring to mind such diverse acts as Rival Sons, Down, and Blackberry Smoke, but "Suffer More" is essentially a thing of its own and it is groovy and bouncy like you would not believe. The band slides and shifts between hard and crushing riffs one the one hand and blues-driven ones with a Zeppelin-esque twist to them on the other. "All That I Have" has a melancholy Southern feel to it while album opener "Walk on Water" is all about grinding you down and eventually pulverizing that ugly mug of yours. The fat and juicy bass lines complement the powerful drumming nicely, the guitar work is both hugely inspired and wicked, and the vocals are strong and confident. The thing is that Doomsday Outlaw are way heavier and more bombastic than pretty much any other Frontiers Records act that I can think of, so this was a real surprise to me and a very cool one at that. Not everything on the disc rules, though. "Pandemonium" is dreadful, but luckily it only lasts for a minute and matters little when you get expertly crafted pieces that reek of genius such as "Bring You Pain" and "Blues for a Phantom Limb".
There is a morose and yet strangely uplifting atmosphere to "Suffer More" that is so prevalent that one can almost reach out and touch it, and the compositions and production are generally pretty stellar. There is also swagger and attitude to this loud and nasty beast of theirs, but it is oddly comforting too. Simply put, you need to check this awesome record out now!