Det skandaløse Orkester are back with their second album
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 27-06-2018
Det Skandaløse Orkester from Bergen, Norway, are known for being very unpopular. But now they have made an album that hopefully will put an end to all that. This sensational album is entitled “Tenk om noen ser deg”, which can be translated to “What if someone saw you”. And that is the main underlying theme of all the lyrics; the self-conscious fear of what others may think about your behaviour and appearance.
The music is eclectic and hard to categories. It opens with a 10 minutes long prog epic, divided into four tracks. The rest of the album consists of a genre blend of funk, kabaret, jazz/rock and classical music. It is ugly and beautiful, funny and scary.
If you like the music of Frank Zappa, King Crimson, Tom Waits, Mr. Bungle, Pink Floyd, Igor Stravinsky, Spike Jones, Walt Disney, Beverly Hills 90210 and Twin Peaks, you will most likely find something on this album for you to enjoy. As far as we know, something similar has never been done with norwegian lyrics, combined with this attitude before. Whether you love it or hate it, this is a unique album that should not be ignored.
The digital booklet includes more info with descriptions of all the tunes in english and everything. For direct translations of the lyrics, go to: www.skandalose.no
Album credits:
All music and lyrics are composed by Sondre Jørgensen (except – Lokkemann, lokkemann, kor e du no? – composed by Sondre Jørgensen and Mats Erik Zen)
Band arrangements: Det Skandaløse Orkester
Orchestral arrangements: Sondre Jørgensen
Produced by Iver Sandøy og Sondre Jørgensen
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Iver Sandøy in Duper Studio and Solslottet Studio, Bergen, Norway 2017/2018
Cover art: Tåmmas Pahr
Det Skandaløse Orkester on this recording:
Sondre Jørgensen: Keyboards, piano, organs, flutes, percussion, vocals
Mats Erik Zen: Vocals
Øystein Bech-Eriksen: Guitars, vocals, percussion
Morten Norheim: Saxophones and clarinets
Søster Pling: Vocals
Sivert Karlsen: Drums
Tord Andreassen: Electric bass
Davide Bertolini: Upright-bass
Petter Asbjørnsen: Electric bass (10)
Nataniel Hjønnevåg: Marimba and orchestral percussion
Iver Sandøy: Percussion
William Grøv Skramsett: Trumpets (2, 7, 8, 10)
Lars Egenes Flemstrøm: Trombones (2, 7, 8)
Gunleik Gisletveit: Tuba (6, 8)
Claudia Cox: Violin 1 and 2 (2, 4, 7-9)
Rushana Brandanger: Viola (2, 4, 7-9) Vocals (2)
Carmen Boveda: Cello (2, 4, 7, 9)
Åshild Brunvoll: Cello: (8)
Frida Andreassen Lereng: Flute (8, 9) Contrabass flute (9)
Johannes Wik: Harp (9)
Arne Sandvoll: Saw (2)
Trygve Knudsen: Vocals (6) Big choir boy (2, 9)
Teodor Vieyra Jørgensen: Baby cry and sounds (3)
Ottorpedo: Inappropriate behaviour and vocals (2)
Andreas Tangen: Bass on very epic guitar solo (5)