IN MOURNING – Afterglow
- by Leif Neverdahl
- Posted on 26-05-2016
In Mournings first album is in my opinion still one of the best, if not the best, debut-album released in recent times. This masterpiece, named "Shrouded Divine" and released in 2008, still blows my mind every time I listen to it, and its one of those albums you never get tired of, ever. "Monolith", the follow-up from 2010, was on the other hand rather disapointing, an altough there are a few decent songs to be found, it was soon forgotten. Then, 2012…"The Weight Of Oceans"… Third time out, and In Mourning did everything right again, and "Monolith" was forgiven. Progressive, heavy and melodic death metal at its best, no technical show-off bullshit, just great music made with heart and feeling, and undoubtly another masterpiece. I have to mention "A wow to conquer the ocean" from said album, pure magic, and In Mournings finest moments. Until now…
"Afterglow" continues what In Mourning started with "The Weight Of Oceans". I mentioned the song "A Wow To Conquer The Ocean" for a reason. "Afterglow" are packed with everything that made that song and the album it came from great. Its complex, but at the same time accessible. Its heavy as a motherfucker at times, then it turns, and rips your heart out in an instant, with moments even Katatonia would die for. Its fast, its slow, its doom, its death, its heavy metal, then back again, and it all flows in a way that is just ridiculousy catchy. There are brilliant pure heavy metal guitar solos , superb drumming from the new guy, oh whats his name, never mind, growling from hell and beautiful clean vocals. And full of moments… Each song has moments that keeps the listeners attention, moments when you stop and just smile, moments when you automaticly starts to bang your head, and moments when a chill runs down your spine. 2016 continues to deliver great music, and so does In Mourning, heja sverige!