CLITEATER – From Enslavement to Cliteration

CLITEATER – From Enslavement to Cliteration

Up next is is some violent DM-influenced gore-grind from The Netherlands, with the sixth album from Cliteater. Once again, the cover and title are a great take on a familiar classic. And that is about as far as the good goes for me. There are no notable breaks, beats or blasts on here and very little do hold this band up as someone I want to listen to or return to. Yes it is heavy, fast and damaging, but few to no impact points have been crafted in to make the songs more dynamic and engaging. The cookie monster vocals don’t work that well either. They are too high in the mix and have an extremely limited range of expression. The production enforces the overall lack of impact too – this is a flurry of blows as opposed to some well placed punches in the face and kicks in the balls.