Flere band avlyser/utsetter konserter (oppdatert 15/11)
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 14-11-2015
Following the attacks that took place in Paris, Foo Fighters concert in Paris and Lyon are canceled.
The statement of the group:
"It is with great sadness and a huge thought for all those who are in Paris that we are forced to cancel the rest of our tour. In view of this senseless violence, border closures and the current international mourning, we can not keep going on. There is no other way to say it. It’s incredible and it sucks. our thoughts and prayers are with all those who were injured or who have lost a Dear."
EAGLES OF DEATH METAL har også naturlig nok valgt å avslutte sin turne etter i går kveld. Dette betyr at konserten i Oslo 26. november er avlyst.
Også MOTÖRHEAD har avlyst sin konsert i Paris i kveld (15/11). De fortsetter turneen i Tyskland på tirsdag.