BEYOND THE GATES IV – Bergen – Garage
- by Nichlas Havik
- Posted on 17-10-2015
The best thing about this festival has always been how much new stuff anyone can find something new to like. The variety of bands are quite amazing, and most of the bands are unknown to most people.
The three days are usually a little bit different in style, but there is always one word that can be applied: Underground.
Even if bands like Marduk played this year, most of the bands were fairly unknown, and there were some pretty interesting surprises in this fourth edition of the festival. The setting was mostly the same as last year with a few changes in the subgenres.
Morbus Chron opened up the second day of the festival with what was going to be their last gig. An interesting take on a more progressive/rock oriented version of death metal with a special scenery. Sadly not too many people in the audience, but definetly a concert to remember. Fast music and yet still some groove to their act.
The second day seemed like it was mostly rock oriented extreme music, enter the band Tribulation.
Probably the best band throughout the whole festival with an extremely professional live act and great black, rock music. This band is a hell of a great time both on album and live, and the audience seemed to be very entertained by their special kind of hybrid act. Opening with the song "Strange Gateways Beckon" was a great move from the band.
The third day was a bit more oriented twoards clean vocals and lighter sounds, but no less inspired than the second day. Spectral Haze is a great example of this with their doom rock. A couple of technical difficulties and a bit weird sound image at some points, but nontheless a great effort by the Norwegian band. Fun to watch and a damn good time.
The band Angel Witch delivered solid and showed that the old school is still as important as ever before. Straight up rock n’ roll. Sometimes that is just what people need. The audience seemed really happy with the oldschooler’s performance. Ofcourse there was going to be a huge sing along on their title song: "Angel Witch"
All in all, this is still a great festival that more people should check out! Beyond the Gates is probably one of the best festivals out there for people who want to get acquainted with new bands from a bunch of different places in the world. Props to the festival management for digging up all the hidden treassures!