With the European festival season being in full swing for a little while now, we at Eternal Terror are preparing for one of the biggest and the best. One this fellow has attended twice. It’s simply so good,  I can’t help myself in the urge to go back.

We’re talking about the mighty Summer Breeze, of course.

When choosing a festival, it all comes down to lineup. This guy couldn’t care less about boozing away on a campground for four days. It’s all about the music, and yet again, Summer Breeze has delivered.

Here’s the schedule of the mind-blowing lineup that awaits:



Needless to say, I’m all in.

The festival runs from August 12 to August 15 in scenic Dinkelsbuhl, Germany. It’s a beautiful little town – perfect to host this gigantic horde of metal faithful.

We here at Eternal Terror will have full coverage of every day of the festival, chronicling my experience of just how great of a time it is.

Are you ready for it? I’m sure not, as I haven’t even started packing yet! Best get on that, right?

Hope to see you there at the festival! I’ll be the goof likely wearing a Disney shirt half the time, so say hello if you think it’s me. Or not!


