INCANTATION – Vanquish In Vengeance
- by Matt Coe
- Posted on 09-11-2012
Six years in an eternity to wait for an ardent death metal fan, but when it comes to US veterans Incantation- you know that they will not forsake their lifetime alignment for the cause. Vocalist/ guitarist John McEntee, along with long time drummer Kyle Severn, Goreaphobia guitarist Alex Bouks and Bloodstorm bassist Chuck Sherwood bleed dark, uncompromising death- savage production values, unyielding tempos and the appropriate growl/ riff rituals that separate those who think they know what the genre is about from what it truly represents.
When the band stay at a crawling snail-like tempo for the epic 11:40 "Legion of Dis", the holding out of riffs and snare / bass parts sends shivers from head to toe as if you know a monster is lurking in the shadows awaiting the right moment to strike. Conversely "Invoked Infinity" starts with a riff swarm and ubiquitous blasting as the stop/ start elements achieve that much more intensity- with occasional nods in the stair step transitions to old school Voivod. "Profound Loathing" is another favorite of mine, Chuck’s quiet bass notes setting the tone for this 8 minute epic journey that contains this classic doom meets mid-tempo death groove- not in a purpose filled pit sense, just a potent killer arrangement in the down tuned brutal manner we’ve come to know and love from Incantation.
With 10 songs and 54 minutes of crushing music, "Vanquish in Vengeance" does not diminish one iota the legacy of this group.