- by Rune Grande
- Posted on 15-06-2011
Trutnov, Tsjekkiske Republikk

Verdens mest extreme metal festival kaller mange denne perlen av en festival som arrangeres i den lille byen Trutnov i den Tsjekkiske Republikk. Byen ligger helt nord i landet, helt oppe ved den polske grensen. I forhold til hovedstaden Praha ligger Trutnov ca 16 mil nord-øst. Heldigvis er ikke landet så veldig stort og uansett hvilken retning du kommer fra, skulle det gå greit å finne fram. Det enkleste er nok fly til Praha og tog eller buss videre til Trutnov. Velger du tog, går det 5 tog i den retningen daglig. Turen tar 3 timer og 11 minutter og koster en ganske real bit med flesk (ca 75 norske blanke kroner). Velger du buss, blir utvalget med avganger flere. Det går busser til Trutnov ca hver time eller halvtime eller deromkring hele dagen fra 08:00 til kl 20:00. Turen tar noe kortere tid enn med tog (merkelig nok bare 2 timer og 43 minutter) og koster en litt mindre fleskebit (ca 50 kroner). Dyrt? Nei. Koselig? Ja.
OBSCENE EXTREME ble første gang arrangert i 1999 og årets festival blir den 13. i rekken. Nøyaktig 423 band har spilt en eller flere ganger opp gjennom disse 12 årene og i år er det totalt 69 band som skal i ilden. Festivalen går over 3 dager og det som er ganske spesielt med denne festivalen, er at her spiller kun 1 band om gangen og du kan enkelt få med deg alle 69 banda, hvis du vil det. Men det krever at du er tidlig pån om morgen.
Årets lineup skal være ferdigbooka og det er ENTOMBED og BRUJERIA som er hovedtrekkplaster under årets Obscene Extreme. BRUTAL TRUTH, LOCK UP og BENEDICTION skulle vel også trekke en og annen ekstra fan til Trutnov. Ellers florerer det med uleselige logoer på plakaten, noe som er ganske så vanlig for denne typen band. Likevel kan vi informere om at SKITSYSTEM, INHUMATE, ROTTEN SOUND, THE ROTTED, PUTRED PILE, IMPALED og THE VARUKERS er blant banda som skal spille under årets festival.
De har vært noen norske innslag i de senere årene, men i år er det kun utlendinger som skal underholde fra scenekanten.
(av Sigve Torland)
July sees one of my personal favorite festivals in Europe, OBSCENE EXTREME in Trutnov in the Czech republic , and we felt it was time to round up some questions and go looking for answers where they could be found without too much hustle (red: research ). So I contacted CURBY, the man behind OBSCENE EXTREME, and asked him a few questions.
OBSCENE EXTREME, Could you please provide us with a brief overview of the history of this massive festival?
Ufff…where to start? I always wanted to do big grindcore festival…there was nothing like that back in 99 when I started with Obscene Extreme…my big influence was Fuck The Commerce festival, I was there in 98 and it was simply an excellent festival, and it was one of that things that kicked my ass to do something…My first idea was doing just one festival for my 25th birthday but the reactions after the first volume was so great from both – fans and bands that I had to continue! Now it’s an everyday work, all year long, but I don’t regret all the time of mine as each festival gave me back more…that friendly atmosphere, all those fans going from far away, it’s simply unique chance to meet grindcore fanatics from all over the World in a single place and enjoy some really fine bands, legends of grind music but also promising new bands! And so far we had like… bands OEF…
To make all this come together one would probably need more than one body and more than one mind, tell us a bit about the crew behind the festival, how do you make this all happen?
Yeah, true!!! But I want to control everything so I really do most of things by myself…I process all ticket orders, talk to all bands, order their flights, hotels, all crew working at OEF, all that small things that do good festival, also some layout/desing ideas…of course I have big help in Martin who cares about website desing, e-cards, banners, posters, merchandise etc. He is a cool dude who can even draw by himself and it’s very useful! Also Luis from NASHGUL works for us as an illustrator, and now also Arif from WORMROT has just drawn one of the t-shirt desings…we have also a cool dude and a great friend for social network promo Ritchi… and Sobi who takes care of the English version of our website… so we are a small group but a very devoted one to our music!!!
We were present at last years edition of OEF and was blown away by the sheer atmosphere of the festival . Are you at all worried that this will grow out of proportion?
Coooooooooool!!! That’s what I’m talking about all the time…OEF is totally different, something unique and it makes me very happy and proud of it!!! No, I’m not worried…we do still our thing…we like grindcore and all extreme styles (except for black metal) and grindcore festival can’t be a popular or a really massive thing…you need black metal, heavy metal, maybe hard rock bands to do BIG fest…see Wacken, it’s a different story…we like our family size of our festival…all those crazy freaks from every corner of this planet…it’s simply cool and we keep grinding this way!!!
Booking bands could be a problem for any organizer, with a festival like OEF I suppose this is not a relevant issue, or is it?
Nono, not really, we are respected now…and believe me bands all around the world know us…I think I’m very fair to every band and I really care…they’re my guests in the Czech republic and I do my best for them even with limited budget we have for our fest. Especially in the last few years it’s very easy to book bigger bands…guys like Danny Lilker, Kevin Sharp or Shane Embury are talking about OEF with other musicians so when we ask some bigger bands to play they know exactly who we are…and it’s almost always the same… "Yeah Danny, Kevin or Shane told me about this crazy fest." hahaha…

What is the top ten moments of the festival thus far?
Hard to say, I have so many good moments…also some very difficult…I think one of the best shows I have seen in my life was in 2001 when we had a big storm in Trutnov and we had to stop playing for 2 hours, make a smaller stage and then EXHUMED came on the stage and it was a slaughter!!! It was really a totally extreme show!!! People went totally mad!!!
And another example crazy stage diving on MUNICIPAL WASTE in 2009 or that great joke when ALIENATIONAL MENTAL’s guys came on stage one year and all of them put my picture like a mask on their faces and started to play…it was hilarious!!! Or DISMEMBER show in 2006!!!
Have you suffered, like so many other festivals, from the financial crisis that struck Europe like a brick wall? If so, how?…if not, why not…?
No, we don’t have big sponsors, our fans are the only big sponsor, they always supported us thru the years…and I think it’s great…everyone knows that metal/punk/hardcore fans are very dedicated and I’m always trying to do best possible line up for them and so far they enjoy it and support us!!! Thank you all!!! In my opinion it’s really healthy…of course all that festivals with lots of sponsors have big financial problems now…it’s easy to organize a fest when you have everything paid upfront by sponsors…
Any dream acts past or present that has still to be on stage at OEF?
BOLT THROWER and ABBA!!! Hahaha, what a mix, isn`t it? I like them both, could be great!!! Also REPULSION, I have been talking with them for many years but so far no luck at all…also LARM, IMPETIGO, DISCHARGE, CARCASS, and lots of more…and you know dreams come true sometimes hahaha…
Extreme Metal has once again grown in popularity during the past few years, any thoughts on the matter?
Well, hard to say, I think when you like exreme music then you like it forever…like me…it’s not a trendy thing it’s a matter of the heart…so I’m not surprised that metal bands still sell lots of their records even without big advertising… Fans understand they support their favourite band, their favourite music!!!
What do you think is the benefit for any given band to play a venue like OEF?
I think it’s a great experience for everyone, for the "big" band, the same for the "small"one …all that crazy stage diving, freaky masks, atmosphere, people from all around the world (I have just sold tickets to the Republic of Korea, Kazakchstan, Estonia, Moldavia, Mexico, simply the whole Europe)…you can meet old friends, find new ones…it’s more like a big party and the music we all love than a music festival only…and of course, we have lots of followers in the countries like South East Asia, South America etc. that are not so lucky to have enough money to go to OEF but they anyway check our website, listen to the bands we add to a line up every year and simply follow what we do on youtube and so on which is great I guess!!!

For 2011 what are YOU looking forward to the most?
I would love to see machete in the work hahaha, so BRUJERIA, I can’t wait for ENTOMBED as well, my very favourite grind band ROTTEN SOUND, I will surely check some old school death metal like INTERMENT, BENEDICTION or ENTRAILS, and VARUKERS!!! I saw them last time on tour with BOLT THROWER maybe 17 years ago!!! LOCK UP is a cool band too, what a drummer!!! IMPALED, THE ROTTED, MAGRUDERGRIND, PSYCHO, SKITSYSTEM, GRONIBARD, VISIONS OF WAR or even small bands like CHIENS or FEASTEM!!! It’s lots of things to come and see!!! And of course I wanna see crazy stage diving, all that smiling faces all around!!!
Any last words of encouragement as to why people from Norway should journey to Truthnov this year OEF?
Join us in the grinding madness!!! You’ll enjoy 69 killer bands and this will be one of your best fuckin’ weekends in your life, I bet!!! And of course especially for Norwegian fans it’s all here very cheap, beer, accomodation, ticket…it’s like paradise for you guys!!!
Oh and just to piss some editor off… What is your favorite choice of cartoon character, and why?
Simpsons, they are great, they don’t give a fuck and do everything they like!!!

Onsdag 6. Juli 2011
12.00 – ??? FREAK festival
Torsdag 7. Juli 2011
14.00 – 14.20 BUT
14.30 – 14.50 IDIOT CONVENTION
15.00 – 15.20 ZEITGEIST
15.30 – 15.50 JACK
16.00 – 16.25 ANOTHER WAY
16.35 – 17.00 HEADCRASH
17.10 – 17.35 ATTACK OF RAGE
17.45 – 18.10 VON BOOM
18.20 – 18.45 FEASTEM
18.55 – 19.20 NAPALMED
19.30 – 20.00 PANDEMIA
20.10 – 20.40 SQUASH BOWELS
20.50 – 21.20 GRIDE
21.35 – 22.45 ENTOMBED
22.55 – 23.35 MAGRUDERGRIND
23.50 – 00.40 BENEDICTION
00.50 – END HELL show
Fredag 8. Juli 2011
10.00 – 10.20 AGGRENATION
10.30 – 10.50 FATAL NUNCHAKU
11.00 – 11.20 ATOMCK
11.30 – 11.50 DISLIKE
12.00 – 12.25 NOMINAL ABUSE
12.35 – 13.00 GUTSLIT
13.10 – 13.35 RAZOR RAPE
13.45 – 14.10 ENTHRALLMENT
14.20 – 14.45 LAUSTRUMER
14.55 – 15.20 FLESHROT
15.30 – 15.55 D.I.S.
16.05 – 16.35 RECTAL SMEGMA
16.45 – 17.15 ENTRAILS
17.25 – 17.55 EXTREME SMOKE 57
18.45 – 19.15 PUTRID PILE
19.25 – 20.05 THE VARUKERS
20.15 – 20.55 SKITSYSTEM
21.05 – 21.55 ROTTEN SOUND
22.10 – 23.20 BRUJERIA
23.30 – 00.10 IMPALED
00.20 – 00.50 GRONIBARD
01.00 – 01.30 INTERMENT
01.40 – 02.00 CHIENS
02.10 – 02.30 REPULSIONE
02.40 – 03.00 GORE AND CARNAGE
Lørdag 9. Juli 2011
11.00 – 11.20 KOMATOZ
11.30 – 11.50 REPROACH
12.00 – 12.20 HAEMOPHAGUS
12.30 – 12.50 UNKIND
13.00 – 13.25 COMBAT NOISE
13.35 – 14.00 COLLISION
14.10 – 14.35 ASSESSOR
14.45 – 15.10 WRATHCOBRA
15.20 – 15.45 ONANIZER
15.55 – 16.20 MESRINE
16.30 – 16.55 VISIONS OF WAR
17.05 – 17.30 ZUBROWSKA
18.15 – 18.40 PSYCHO
18.50 – 19.15 INHUMATE
19.25 – 19.55 ISACAARUM
20.05 – 20.35 THE ROTTED
20.45 – 21.15 DEBUSTROL
21.25 – 22.20 LOCK UP
22.35 – 23.35 BRUTAL TRUTH
23.45 – 00.30 DROPDEAD
00.40 – 01.10 LE SCRAWL
02.00 – 02.30 MINCING FURY
02.40 – 03.00 GRUNT