mbo2010: TIM YEUNG (Morbid Angel, Divine Heresy, ex-Hate Eternal and more…)

mbo2010: TIM YEUNG (Morbid Angel, Divine Heresy, ex-Hate Eternal and more…)


mbo_timyeung.jpg1. What was your favorite album and/or metal moment of 2010?
– Them Crooked Vultures "Self Titled"

2. What do you most look forward to for your band in 2011?
– Lots of fun tours & great memories.

3. What’s your all time favorite concert you’ve attended personally?
– I’ve been to so many shows & partied with tons of people, I can’t even count them. One that just crossed my mind right now that I was just hanging out at was "The Blackest Of The Black" 2005 tour in L.A. I got drunk with some of Behemoth and a few of the Chimaira guys & we stole a golf cart that belonged to Universal Studios. 8 drunk guys whipping this stolen cart around all night. It was pretty funny!