RUBUFASO MUKUFO -Tsjekkisk grindcore
- by Sigve
- Posted on 30-10-2009
Harry Potter møter Ringenes Herre på Rittermarken… eller hva i huleste skal man ellers med en formel for å forvandle seg til en ravn??? Ok, så er ikke engelsken til vår venn Michal fra Tsjekkia helt top notch, men mannen svarer da pent for seg han.
Jeg har også tatt meg tid til å høre gjennom en splitt hvor denne gjengen deltar, og av de to på splitten var de uten tvil det beste bandet.

First off, thank you for taking the time to let us get to know you.
Please tell us about the band members and what they do in the band.
Hello, hello!!! Members of our band are 4 sweet unyoung boys coming from contaminated Czech cities Ostrava and Havirov. My name is Michal and I play the drums there. My employers are: Vajico (Egg) holding the guitar, Slivka (Plum) hanging the bass and Miribus (Peacebus) counting the microphones.
Could you please give us a brief outline of the history of the band?
It´s really brief as we found the band not yet 3 years ago. Working still in original line-up, releasing two split CD's as far, played tens of gigs mostly in Czech, toured one tour over Ukraine, shoted one videoclip and drunk lot of "fire water" + enjoyed lot of fun
The name of the band… tell us about it, how/why did you choose this name?
Oh, quite remarkable idea. We just didn´t know to make any official languaged bandname it means not English, not Czech, not Latin.. etc… so one idea was to use some gipsy combination or so… In the end we used Rubufaso Mukufo what is a little transformed magic formula how to turn a man to raven. It is taken from Czech fairy movie called Rumburak (continuing the fairy serial TV Arabela) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvwmHgqFexk&feature=related
Original formula was RUKOFASO MUBUFO so we transformed it to RUBUFASO MUKUFO. We like it especially it goes out of typical grind core themes for band names. Maybe a little non-sense but nice
The creative process of making the music… tell us a bit about how you create new music?
Same way like in the past – bringing some riffs, adding some drums, building the arranges of the song + testing some vocals and then removing it all because we don't like it ;-)))
Where do you draw your influences from, musically and non-musically?
Musical ones from the music and the others from people around – classical cliché answer, I know… ;-(

What if any is the key element(s) in your lyrics?
I myself don't care about lyrics too much. Generally there are some personal social views about society, individuals, and momental opinions about various situations from life… just nothing extra-ordinary.
Could you describe with your own words the split album with Destructive Explosion of Anal Garland?
Anal Garland is such mixture of Last Days Of Humanity Vs. Ahumado Granujo with definitively destructive sound of their part. Rubufaso is packet of Scandinavian grind and German gore shoots. Enough to self-review???-)
What is your goal with RUBUFASO MUKUFO? World domination or local superstardom?
He, he – nice question. Actually we are not too active to be honest = we are superlocal star for ourselves, time to time some trip not far from our superstar platforma ;-)))
Could you please tell us a bit about the local and the national metal scene where you live?
Very many bands, very many gigs, very many activists, webzines, distros/labels and all around, some radio and TV show so it seems quite alive, there is no place where to escape from it

What do you know about the Norwegian metal scene apart from the history of the Black Metal scene here?
Let's talk about the Norwegian nature instead because about scene I know really nothing ;-(
Finally… what is your choice of game entertainment? Board games or consoles?
Oh man, it goes out of me. I am really happy when I can leave the table with computer when I spend lot´s of work time, not even to play some games… But fine question as last question as I can say thanx + good bye and go out to the wood and say hello to squirrels ;-)))