DISFEARs Norgesturne er utsatt
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 19-09-2008
Den planlagte Norgesturneen til det svenske cruskpunkrockbandet DISFEAR er utsatt grunnet en skadet skulder på bandets trommeslager. DISFEAR skulle etter planen spille i Trondheim 8/10, Oslo 9/10 og Bergen 10/10. Bandet er lei seg og lover å prøve å komme til Norge igjen så snart det lar seg gjøre. Eternal Terror ønsker bandets trommeslager Marcus Andersson god bedring.
På bandets MySpace side kan følgende melding leses: "We are sorry to announce that we are forced to cancel our imminent Norwegian dates due to our drummer Marcus Andersson having sustained a shoulder injured. The injury was caused by overexertion and Marcus will have to rest for 3-4 weeks to prevent further injury or permanent and more serious damage.
We are really sad and disappointed for not being able to make it to Norway this time around. Cancelling these shows was a very hard decision and we apologize to organizers and everyone who was planning to attend the shows.
We are looking into the possibility of moving the dates into the not so distant future."