PIERRICK (Phazm) – …but then I discovered IRON MAIDEN
- by Rune
- Posted on 21-08-2007
I utgangspunktet hadde vi planlagt å kjøre en dobbel Phazm G-String, men ettersom bare en av gitaristene i bandet besvarte vårt lille intervju, blir det med bare den ene av dem, iallefall i denne omgangen. Pierrick Valence er bandets vokalist og gitarist og spiller i tillegg gitar i Agressor og er vokalist i Scarve. Både Scarve og Agressor er vel mer kjent i Norge enn Phazm, men det skal vi nå prøve å gjøre noe med. Pierrick begynte å spille gitar i 7 års alderen, først klassisk men så oppdaget han Iron Maiden……
ET – When did you start playing the guitar? In what age and which band was actually the one that made you wanting to grab a guitar and start playing?
Pierrick: I was 7 years old when I started to take guitar-lessons in a Conservatory. My parents thought it would be a good thing as my favourite toy was a vinyl player for kids made in plastic… I was focused on classical music first, but when I discovered IRON MAIDEN, everything changed. Music became a reason of living.
ET – What actually makes a guitarist unique? Feeling or technique? Many people for example cannot stand Satriani…who is absolutely a master when it comes to technique!
Pierrick: That's the eternal question. I'm not an excellent technician, but I guess you need to work a lot if you wanna play what you wanna hear… I mean, I've never worked my guitar in purpose of being a good demonstrator neither an awesome shredder-guitar-hero. I'd rather be famous for my sense of musicality. Music is not a sport. I'm more into Dimebag Darrel and Zakk Wylde than Satriani… And just listen to B.B King… The guy needs two notes to make you cry…
ET – What was your first guitar? Do you still have it?
Pierrick: My very first guitar was a ¾ size Alambra (classical guitar). Then I bought a Cort. I still have them, even if I'm not using them anymore.
ET – Do you think that the guitarist is making the quality or maybe the equipment can do magic?
Pierrick: Both are important. I need my gear to be 100% at the top. But I like to think that I can use everything made of wood and strings and play nice.
ET – What kind of equipment do you use? Guitars…pick ups…amps…? Do you use different equipment in the studio and different while playing live? If yes then what is the reason?
Pierrick: I play on a seven strings Ibanez, tuned in the PHAZM way: Bb D G C F A D. Pick ups are Demarzio. My favourite mediator is the Jazz 3, and my amp is a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier plugged on two cabinets: a Slash signature and a 1960, both from Marshall. When I play solos, I use a POD XT and a Morley Wha-Wha. I'm using the same gear live and in studio.
ET – Construct the guitar of your dreams…brand, pick ups, strings..everything!
Pierrick: My plan is to get a 7 strings Les Paul from the French builder CAPPELI. He's making pick ups himself and they are really amazing, especially when it comes to low frequencies…
ET – Now form the band of your dreams…with you participating of course…Which individuals you think would fit like a glove to your style?
Pierrick: Drums: Nick Anderson. Bass: Lemmy. Lead Guitar: Dimebag Darrel. Vocals: Rob Zombie. But I will answer something different in 5 minutes.
ET – Are you participating in the composing of your bands material or you're just a performer? How important is it for an artist to be able to express himself? I mean, if for example you were in a band only for performing someone else's musical themes…would you handle it not participating…not being able to express yourself?
Pierrick: The two first PHAZM albums were mainly composed by myself. I haven't got the chance yet to compose with AGRESSOR, neither SCARVE. Firstly because I'm a new member in the AGRESSOR crew, secondly because I was just a singer in SCARVE. PHAZM is THE band that totally represents what I am musically. A pure mix of fat, insane and muddy metal and rock ‘n roll groove. But I like playing somebody else's music, it's always a good way of learning to play different things. I'm a curious musician.
ET – Have you ever run out of ideas while composing a new album? How did you fight it? What was the solution?
Pierrick: I'm a lucky man, it has never happened to me. If so, I guess I'd smoke more weed and watch 1000 of movies!
ET – Do you have endorsements? Do you think endorsements are important for an artist?
Pierrick: When I finished the Music Academy International in 2001, I was the first graduate and Ibanez offered me a deal. They gave me a guitar which I'm still using mostly. Endorsements are really important. We need them, as long as the industries need us!
ET – In all the years that you've been playing did something go totally wrong during a concert of yours? If yes, what was it? Please go ahead!
Pierrick: The last tour we did I got sick because of poisoned food. I was about to cancel a show, but it was in Scotland and it was our first time there. I had to play with the taste of death in my mouth and the feeling of an A bomb exploding in my stomach. What was funny is that the people liked it. They thought I was possessed or something. It was a nightmare, I was crying etc… It took me 3 days of recovering.
ET – Ok then…thank you for answering these questions. One last thing now! Who is the guitarist that you admire or that you would like to "punish" by have this person answering these same questions? Thanks again and good luck with your project(s).
Pierrick: You should check out Manu Livertout. His band's called MLB. He's one of the best I know. Thanx a lot for the great support, cheers to all the readers. SUPPORT PHAZM!