Diverse labelnyheter fra OSMOSE
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 27-04-2007
ONDSKAPT : The recording of the new album who was suppose d to take place during August is now delayed for the Autumn. More infos soon.
BENIGHTED : The new album might be entirely finnish ed by the end of August 2007. The release date is planned for mid October and might come as a dualdisc with an entire live performance & more to show ! A french tour is also under booking.
IMPALED NAZARENE : The band is actively working for the new album "Manifest" who will be recorded this summer. In the meantime Impaled Nazarene is working to set up a complete North America tour for October/November 2007. Also "Rapture" album re-release + bonus will see the light for June 4th 2007.
MELECHESH, DRILLER KILLER, SHINING, DETONATION and INHUME concerts dates : Check out the following section. http://www.osmoseproductions.com/General/PAGEtour.htm
SIGH : Osmose Productions proudly announce the release of the new SIGH album "Hangman's Hymn" due for June 4th 2007.
ARKHON INFAUSTUS : After such a long delay and a totally re-recorded album in another studio, "Orthodoxyn", will finally see the light on May 28th 2007 ! It will be released under a stricly limited edition digibook to 1500 copies, including a fantastic artwork/Booklet in a 40 pages book paper. Also a regular CD will be released , as well as a strickly limited edition vinyl to 1000 copies + A poster. North America version will be available at Red Stream Inc.
SULPHUR new : The band is supposed to open for the UNLEASHED and BELPHEGOR tour who might start mid of May for Europe, but we just been advised that the booking agent from Metallysee has just been fired, and apparently the UK dates are to be cancelled. So far we are not able to give you more infos ….