KRATER 2016 – Day 2 – Oslo – Pokalen

Due to a traffic accident I didn’t get there in time to watch Kringa. But Reveal revealed that they are what I’d call an amateurish version of Negative Plane. There were several great parts, but could somebody do a voice operation on the vocalist? You need to have a vocal that fits the music, and…

KRATER 2016 – Day 1 – Oslo – Pokalen

Black Viper was a charming meeting with a demo band. Speed/heavy metal can be all fine at times, but to these ears the music becomes too monotonous. Add to this a vocal that is not my cup of metal tea. High pitched screams can be all great when you’re King Diamond, but that’s about it.…

ENSLAVED – Drammen – Union Scene

Jeg skal ikke påstå med hammer i hånd at Atena passet så veldig godt som oppvarmingsband til Enslaved. Samtidig skal jeg motsi meg selv ved å mumle noe om at det er helt greit at et band som ikke nødvendigvis er så altfor likt hovedbandet gjør unna oppvarmingen. Atena fra Drammen spiller en form for…