Introduce your band, and describe your latest release:

Hi We are Lost Dogs Of Ultimo and The Grinding is our latest release

What’s the hardest part about being a band in this day and age?

The hardest part is navigating all the social media components we need as artists to try and connect with as many people as possible with our music and  art

When did you realise that your project had the potential to be much more than just a fun idea?

That’s exactly what it was when we started in 2020 . It was based on Fun capturing all the street art in Melbourne then adding soundtracks to the visuals. We realised in 2022 the music was really taking off and becoming a solid part of the project. Probably because we were recruiting a diverse range of  collaborators that were bringing some authenticity to the compositions 

Tell us about your latest release, why should we check it out?

The Grinding / Awake Not Asleep is about Respect Resist Revolt for change the message is strong but is our response to world political behaviours that are playing out right now with wars and humanitarian abuses as well as our  local leaders being corrupt. If this message resonates with your give the tracks a listen the music is solid based on solid beats with multiple layers and samples. Kymin Kaos from Blood In The Champagne is on Vocals and Bass and Smokey Poe was the Producer and Drum technician

How does a song typically come together for you?

With us we talk about what’s affecting us currently  whether that’s politics, mental health or Death. We then formulate the ideas and write up our message. The studio is the place we build the music and composition and collectively play a part in the construction of the song

How would you describe your sound to an unfamiliar reader?

We like to describe ourselves as Experimental Electronic Punk we are very diverse group that are influenced by all genres and have grown up listening to a variety of Artists both Indie music and mainstream. It’s a Big flavor

What do you want listeners to take away from listening to your band?

We would like to think our music resonates with those listeners that are willing to hear the message and groove to the tunes

Where would you really like to tour that you haven’t done so yet, and why?

I would like to travel and play shows in some of the smaller Asian countries and communities. these places that don’t normally get live music coming through seeing kids get excited when a band plays is rewarding

How would you say that the sound of your band has progressed over the years?

Starting out making soundtracks and music to fit images to being a strong message based project has been an evolution from the compositions that were guitar and bass structured to Beats and samples with heavy Guitar and Bass effects the sonic journey has been immense in our growth as artist

How excited are you for 2024, and what can fans expect from you?

We are looking forward to the next chapter with a Spanish artist coming on board for the next release. This collaboration will  have the Vocals sung in a Non English language that is very exciting for us



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