NAZARETH – Surviving the Law

NAZARETH – Surviving the Law


Conceived back in 1968 and still going strong today, these Scottish hard rockers’ latest LP, which bears the interesting title “Surviving the Law”, contains a fair number of bulldozing tracks that deliver hooks, heaviness, variety, and determination. Plenty of muscular riffs abound and Carl Sentance sings like a man possessed. Check out songs such as “Strange Days” and the Beatles-influenced “You Gotta Pass It Around” – what a voice and vocal power that man wields! The sound and production are luckily quite raw and borderline crude, which fits the garage-like vibe of the material and performance nicely, and the only problem here is that ten cuts would have sufficed as opposed to fourteen as there is a handful of less remarkable tunes to be found among some otherwise stellar compositions. Definitely worth a listen in case you were wondering as it is a loud, booming rock record that is bound to please fans both old and new.

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