POISON ROSE – Little Bang Theory
- by J.N.
- Posted on 27-05-2022
BAND URL: https://www.facebook.com/PoisonRoseMusic/
Poison Rose is a brand-new project conceived by the Frontiers management team where vocalist and songwriter Marco Sivo (Time Machine) truly gets to shine, and there can be no doubt that the man is a hugely skilled singer with a knack for coming up with appealing melody lines and strong hooks. The record is rooted in crisp-sounding hard rock with a modern sheen to it, and while the musicians involved are all excellent and in firm control of what they do, the song material is somewhat lackluster and fails to spark the imagination. To these ears, this is basically one of those times where the vocals are bloody marvelous but are let down by pedestrian compositions that sound derivative and uninspired. “Hearts Beat Loud” and “River of Dreams” are memorable and sparkle while “All Along the Way” possesses a great drive and some sharp, fiery riffs, but those are the only standout tracks here and the rest are either mediocre or downright forgettable. Again, these are competent musicians and the idea of using Poison Rose as a vehicle for Sivo’s superb vocals is pretty cool, but ultimately, “Little Bang Theory” is nothing more than a polished and properly mixed offering that lacks substance and fails to stand out or enthrall the listener.