ALAN BYRNE – Beat of the Drum
- by J. Nepper
- Posted on 18-02-2016
Alright, folks, this is going to be a short review as «Beat of the Drum», which focuses on the legendary Phil Lynott’s musical exploits and endeavours following the demise of the mighty Thin Lizzy, basicaly serves as an extra chapter to the book on the aforementioned band entitled «Are You Ready?» by Alan Byrne. However, «Beat of the Drum» was released separately (and only as an eBook/Kindle title) and therefore deserves a quick mention on these pages.
As I mentioned before, it chronicles Phil Lynott’s career and life post-Thin Lizzy, and, as with «Are You Ready?», it is well-written, informative, cohesive, and coherent. As one who enjoys Lynott’s solo recordings, «Beat of the Drum» provides an excellent overview of how, why, where, and when certain things were recorded as well as the cast that was involved in the myriad of different things that Lynott immersed himself in before his tragic death. The interviews with his colleagues and friends offer interesting and fascinating perspectives and insights, and Byrne deserves credit for his way of structuring the tale and bringing to light essential events and happenings.
As this is merely 38 pages we are talking about here, this is the kind of thing that is perfect to read while listening to a Phil Lynott or Thin Lizzy album and sipping a cup of coffee or two. «Beat of the Drum» costs less than the skank you tried hitting on last night at the bar, so check out these two links: