In a recent newsletter that welcomes fans to the new year, the multinational space rockers ØRESUND SPACE COLLECTIVE have given some hints on what we can expect from them in 2025

The Collective met in Stockholm for a studio session that was pretty fun despite the cold, grim, dark weather. Travels from Portugal, Denmark, Christian or Goteborg and they met at Roth Handle studios. The band spent the first two days making the soundtrack for a short animated film. That was fun and cool.

More jamming, more areas explored but also some issues with the “Relaxing in the Himalayas” or “The West Space and Love III” LPs, they all had had problems and had to be repressed. Both are released on Space Rock Productions and can be listened below



In April, the band aims to have the new double LP/2CD, Alotta Hella down in Estrela released on Space Rock Productions. The LP features 4 tracks (one is 50mins) and the CD contains 2 bonus tracks (38 mins) not on the LP. It was recorded in the 2022 session in Portugal and features Dr Martin Weaver (Wicked Lady), Luis Simoes (Saturnia), Tim Wallander (Ex-agusa, Ozric Tentacles), Hasse Horrigmoe (Tangle Edge), Jonathan Segel (Camper van Beethoven), Dr Space, Jiri, Mogens and Pär….

There will also be a film of the band live in the studio recording Ode to a Black Hole on DVD with a new 5.1 surround sound mix by Dr Space. If time allows, there might be a new mix of some of the older records in 5.1 like The Black Tomato and Sleeping with the Sunworm.

April 11-12th, will be the band’s 20th Anniversary shows and the pla isn to have many different people playing the 4 different sets that will be played, combined with an amazing light show of P&P from Germany (they do the lights at Fuzz Fest and other festivals). There will be an afterparty each night with the band til 2 and special merch, poster gallery, etc.. Please buy an advanced ticket…


In May they will play the Spaceboat in Hamburg for the 10th time. Thanks to Sabine from Sapphire and Space Rock Productions for putting in all the work that is required to make this happen. There are still tickets available. The shows are May 23-24th-..


Also coming in 2025 is the Kozfest 2023 DVD. To quote the band “I have to apologise up front though as I fucked this one up and send Ruben, who did the amazing video editing job of the show, the wrong mix of the audio so the audio is decent but our amazing drummer Tim is really buried in the mix. The upside is if you are bandcamp subscriber or buy the DVD, you will get the proper audio mix which sounds great.. Sorry, I fucked it up….”

If you liked the more laid back CD from last year, Espaço, you will also dig, Espaço 2!!! This will be a bandcamp subscriber CD and limited numbers will be available for the fans who will most likely also get the multitrack recording of the Lygtens Kro gig (this was also filmed). Hold your fingers crossed for the finalization of the DVD from the Winter Jazz festival 2022 in Copenhagen.


The band is will likely to also have another studio album out later in the year, either from the new session or one called Probably you´re Wrong, from the 2022-23 sessions.

No clear plans for touring though, it is getting more difficult to set up tous.

Who knows what else might pop up. Jonathan will have gigs with Camper van Beethoven in the USA this year, probably 10 more albums with Astral Magic and other cool collaborations. Dr Space, will have another Alien Planet Trip volume, perhaps another solo CD, Doctors of Space will have two CDs……

ØSC thanks for all the support, stating “you folks are what keeps me alive….. getting the guys together and making music for us and the fans..

peace, love and space rock..

scott and the ØSC…”







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