SHADOW KNELL – Shadow Knell

SHADOW KNELL – Shadow Knell

They rarely make records like these anymore, i.e. dark medieval ambient-esque works that pay homage to dungeon synth linchpins such as Mortiis and Penitent while also weaving influences from Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze into their richly textured and evocative soundscapes in such a confident and pleasantly assured manner. Sure, the dungeon synth underground is thriving these days, which is amply demonstrated by Bandcamp, and the dark ambient and ambient music genres are very much alive and visible too, but there is something rather unique and different Shadow Knell’s self-titled debut offering that sets it apart from the works of others, stylistically speaking. Let us briefly discuss this excellent effort by the Philadelphia-based outfit, shall we?

Shrouded in a thick mist that appears to emanate from a mythic realm where windswept moors and old woods speak of arcane wisdom and esoteric secrets, their songs harbor a prominent sense of longing and weave colorful, hypnotic musical narratives tinged with melancholy that totally resonate with this scribe. Regardless of whether you are into the early works of Mortiis, the self-titled album by Fata Morgana, the immortal Phaedra by Tangerine Dream, or perhaps even something by Errang, this is one perfectly haunting slice of atmospheric music that ought to appeal to you, and the fact that it possesses a musical identity of its own while almost playing like a cohesive lost gem from a bygone era is a huge part of its charm and appeal. Its fantasy-inspired realm of sound is one filled with genuine spirit, and the tracks named “Diminished Reflection” and “Arcane Discovery” are superb examples of what it means to compose moving, memorable, and wonderfully dramatic songs that conjure up vivid images in the mind of the listener. Excellent stuff.

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