SETH – La France des Maudits

SETH – La France des Maudits

This scribe has always had a bit of a soft spot for the renowned French black metallers Seth, and it goes without saying that I could not pass up the opportunity to review their upcoming opus sporting the evocative title La France des Maudits. Their back catalog is impressive and has stood the test of time well, but their 2024 offering may well be their finest output yet in the eyes and ears of yours truly.

Imagine an 18th-century Paris infested with outcasts and revolutionary characters that rises out of darkness and brings about a new mindset and a philosophy that hold what came before in proud contempt in order to give birth to a new era. Seth does an absolutely splendid job of conveying a vivid image of a shadowy city where condemned men and fallen saints roam the streets all the while the rivers flow with royal blood and every windswept corridor whispers of past sins and rebellious deeds. A heavy and serious mood prevails throughout and infuses the material with a lugubrious depth, which is perfectly illustrated by the morosely beautiful and brooding epic that is ‘La Destruction des Reliques’, the dynamic and darkly enticing slice of melancholy named ‘Dans le Cœur un Poignard’, and the surprisingly catchy ‘Ivre du Sang des Saints’. Its nine compositions demonstrate the group’s mastery of combining cleverly crafted and sophisticated arrangements with excellent songwriting, and the performances generally shine throughout. The LP also offers plenty of interesting twists and turns without losing the plot, and there is a heartfelt and yearning spirit to the affair that is undeniable.

With is sweeping majesty and pitch-black grandeur, La France des Maudits retains a beguiling and curious power from beginning to end, and by the time the record reaches its a melodramatic denouement you will find yourself reaching for the “Repeat” button. It has been a while, but Seth is back and sounds re-energized and more focused than ever before. Memorable is the keyword here.

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