- by J.N.
- Posted on 11-02-2023
BAND URL: https://necropolissebeht.bandcamp.com/releases
This ugly 4-track grenade by the German outfit known as Necropolissebeht was released on CD late last year and somehow found its way to my mailbox, and I really had no idea what to expect when glancing at its artwork, but it turned out to be a raw, crushing concoction of black metal and death metal that is as intense and unpleasant as it is aggressive and hateful. It reminds me slightly of Conqueror, Blasphemy, and Black Witchery only that TTCCCLXXX sounds and feels darker and more claustrophobic somehow. While the first three tracks are murky and unpolished bulldozers intent on breaking your bones, the closing song is a 7-minute drone ambient suite that is both sinister and the very highlight of this little opus. Before I forget, the vocals are truly excellent, and I am quite sure that they only could have emanated from the caverns of slime and abhorrence. On top of that, there are some good riffs and heaps of atmosphere to be discovered here, so if chaotic and completely unhinged metal lunacy seems like just the thing to turn you on, you could probably do worse than checking this filth out.