STRANGE HORIZON – Beyond the Strange Horizon
- by J.N.
- Posted on 25-04-2022
BAND URL: Beyond The Strange Horizon | Strange Horizon (bandcamp.com)
Yes, this is just what the good doctor ordered; a thoroughly convincing and energetic stoner rock/doom metal opus that pays tribute to the days of yore when fuzzy riffs ruled the roost and records were heavy as fuck while simultaneously looking to the future and sounding current. The Norwegian act named Strange Horizon came into being back in 2017, and their dynamic brand of hazy hard rock pretty much gets everything right and ticks all the boxes for yours truly. What sets these guys apart from the run-of-the-mill is the amount of passion that they have poured into this 8-track creation of theirs not to mention that they have a firm grasp of how to craft enthralling songs with a distinctive atmosphere to them. They play with such determination that I find it hard to believe that “Beyond the Strange Horizon” is merely their debut full-length onslaught. It would be easy to list such legendary outfits as Black Sabbath, Pentagram, The Obsessed, Saint Vitus, Blue Cheer, Reverend Bizarre, Angel Witch, and Trouble as influences here, but “Beyond the Strange Horizon” is not derivative as such even though it may not be all-out original; it is a labor of love with a personal touch to it that manages to incorporate countless different influences effortlessly. Regardless of whether hard-hitting, psychedelic rock from the late 60s or Saint Vitus’ “Die Healing” LP from 1995 appeal to you, this musically cohesive LP ought to occupy a special place in your heart and record collection once it is out.