FIND ME – Lightning in a Bottle

FIND ME – Lightning in a Bottle


I was quite enamored with the previous output by Find Me and found that one rather memorable and enjoyable and so this new album of theirs was something that I had been looking forward to. Luckily, they do not disappoint this time either. Musically, these guys dabble in melodic rock and AOR with an emphasis on infectious vocal hooks and crafting songs with a great flow to them. The keyboards are very much upfront and prominent in the mix, but they add a pristine touch and atmosphere to the proceedings, and they complement the remaining instruments remarkably well. Daniel Flores (Murder of My Sweet) and Robbie Lablanc (Blanc Faces) both deliver the goods, and it is always nice to hear Michael Palace rip it up on the guitar. Melodically strong tunes such as “Under a Bad Sign”, “Far from Over”, and “Distant Echoes” possess feeling and excitement, and “On the Run” has a bit of drama to it and is a fitting finale to the whole thing.

Its predecessor is slightly better than this 2022 opus thanks to catchier and more energetic song material, but “Lightning in a Bottle” is a solid and well-written piece of work that boasts some excellent rockers and a satisfying listen through and through. Fans of melodic rock/AOR ought to check it out.

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