CROWNE – Kings in the North
- by J.N.
- Posted on 14-07-2021
Although the Swedish band named Crowne is a brand-new addition to the (melodic) hard rock scene, the skilled outfit actually consists of talented musicians from Europe, H.E.A.T., and Art Nation, so these are essentially a group of seasoned pros getting together and having fun playing loud and catchy music.
Things are off to a good start and the title track is a massive-sounding, arena-sized anthem that packs more punch than a nuclear bomb. The chorus is ridiculously infectious, the solos are melodically gorgeous, and the vocals are strong as fuck. The galloping "Perceval" is a muscular, heavy piece and boasts a hook-laden chorus too, which certainly applies to "Sharoline" as well. Things are a little more uneven following these three epics and the album’s main flaw is a lack of consistency and cohesion with respect to quality and substance. Having said that, "Kings in the North" is by no means a waste of time or a mundane affair, but the from the listener’s perspective it is somewhat frustrating that it loses its momentum a little too often. Another notable cut is the melancholy "Mad World", and "Make a Stand" is pretty hard-hitting and good too for that matter. The crisp and powerful production leaves nothing to be desired and the musicianship is fantastic, so no complaints with respect to any of that.
Like I said, the first three tunes blew me away whereas the rest were a bit hit-or-miss, but there is a sense of excitement present on the album and one gets the impression that these guys had a blast putting the whole thing together. If you are into fist-pumping hard rock, then try checking this one out. As to myself, I will probably spin this one again in the future, but I am hoping for more consistency and flow the next time around. Still, the positives definitely outweigh the negatives here.