IRON FLESH – Summoning the Putrid
- by J.N.
- Posted on 10-02-2021
French war mongers Iron Flesh have spat forth a vile and vicious slab of rumbling and pulverizing death metal that harkens back to the days of old and this raw and dark opus ought to blow you away if you are a fan of some of the ancient releases by Autopsy, Grave, and Obituary just to list a few.
"Summoning the Putrid" is comprised of nine loud and massive-sounding tunes filled with huge crushing riffs and funeral-like melodies, and there is a palpable sense of something evil and morbid coursing through this malevolent piece of work. It possesses an unpolished and vibrant aura where nothing sounds too planned out or structured as such, which is extremely charming in the sense that one gets the impression that these dudes are running on instinct and passion. The tracks are as rotten as they are catchy and reek of authenticity and determination, but there is also an overwhelming sense of melancholy to towering pieces ala "Death and the Reaper’s Scythe" and "Convicted Faith". The production is powerful and rough as hell, which complements the song material nicely. Actually, certain parts and passages as well as its oppressive mood reminds me ever so slightly of Norway’s Obliteration and what they dabble in.
If a glorious dose of organic old-school death metal with subtle traces of thrash- and doom metal to it is what you crave, then Iron Flesh’s symphony of decay is the answer to your sinister prayers. There is not even a tiny shred of originality to be found here, but who gives a shit when the result is as satisfying and memorable as "Summoning the Putrid" is? Standout track: "Cursed Beyond Death".