FREDAG 7/6  Fredagen føles varmere enn de foregående dagene (noe som er bra da dette er dagen med minst interessante band for min del), men om det bare er huden min som trenger en pause eller om det er tilfelle aner jeg ikke. Men selv om det frister å se MAGNUM så velger jeg likevel…

VICTIMS – The Horse And Sparrow Theory

The 7th full length from the Swedish hardcore/punk ensemble brings expected dose of mostly one-dimensional music in the vein of early Mastodon, Crowbar and Biohazard but there are a few surprises such as genre crossing into d-beat/death metal and industrial. Victims have been around since 1997 and, unlike the proverbial "Forrest Gump" "life as a…


  Da er det endelig tid for å pakke snippsekken å dra til ett av årets høydepunkt, nemlig SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL. Årets line up er verken blant de beste eller svakeste, men som vanlig er det en god variasjon mellom både sjangre og aldersnitt blant årets band. Den store spenningen er selvsagt været, men også…


The second installment from former Katatonia/Trees Of Eternity and October Tide members project is an excellent, enchanting and utterly beautiful mix of alternative, progressive rock and metal, with fantastic musicianship and powerful emotionally-explosive songwrting. The Nighttime Project (TNP) was formed after Katatonia’s excellent "Night Is The New Day" album, guitarist Sven Fredrik "North" Norrman (October…


  TOTSÅSROCK 2019Bilder av Håvard Kvam/Eskild Kløften   Totsåsrock startet sitt tredje år med et smell fredag kveld. Festivalen ble høytidelig åpnet av ordføreren i Lierne kommune, som avduket en to meter høy lysende hodeskalle. Dermed var stemningen satt. El Rodeo var første band ut, gjenforent med vokalist Kristian Klykken (kjent fra Babysnakes) etter 17…

TYRMFAR – Renewal Through Purification

The second full length from the Swiss melodic black/death metallers fuses melodic black of Dimmu Borgir or Watain with melodic death of Evocation or Hypocrisy, with no clear demarcation line between the styles, recalling such genre amalgamates as Dissection or God Dethroned for a very good outcome. Established in 2013, for their 2nd album, Tyrmfar…

EVOHÉ – Deus Sive Natura

The French purveyors of pagan black metal, more specifically the quintet known as Evohé, have been at it for nearly twenty years now, but "Deus Sive Natura" is merely the band’s third album so far and it has been eight years since its predecessor ("Annwvyn") saw the light of day, but I am happy to…

KRYPTOS – Afterburner

The Indian heavy metal outfit explodes in an unmistakably 80s retro-metal vibe in the vein of Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Mercyful Fate and ancient Metallica and Megadeth, with excellent musicianship and execution but the songwriting is so base, cliché and safe the prophecy of the title is hardly fulfilled. My first contact with this trio…

ZEROZONIC – Dead On Arrival (Daniel Olaisen series)

Having finished, for now, the Blood Red Throne chapter of the prolific Daniel "Död" "Paisy" Olaisen series until it’s time for "Fit To Kill" review, I now return to his 2nd biggest project, the thrash/groove metal ensemble Zerozonic for the incredibly powerful and expertly executed debut. "Dead On Arrival" is an album that is very…

CODERED – Dominions Of Our Deceitful Beliefs

Here’s a blast from the past, another one in the line of old Loud Rage Music releases which only now got its time of the day. The Romanian death metaller’s debut is a very good record in the vein of early Immolation and Morbid Angel, with hints of Vader, with impressive musicianship throughout. I’m not…


The Russian death/doom folk metal band of Scald members create a very dark and foreboding album in the vein of Bathory, old Amorphis and Paradise Lost/My Dying Bride with dominant Slavic and Finno-Ugric mythology elements for a fairly unique yet inconsistent quality debut. "Vakor" lyrics, written in Ancient Russian/Finno-Ugric grammar and dialectal vocabulary, are written…

MIRRORPLAIN – Lost in Paradise

German hard rockers Mirrorplain are about to release this sophomore effort of theirs via Fastball Music, and if you are into dramatic music boasting huge choruses that falls somewhere between alternative rock and metal with a modern sheen to it, this one will most likely serve you as a pretty decent soundtrack to your life…

ARCKANUM – Första Trulen

"Första Trulen" is basically the very first and previously unreleased version of the infamous "Trulen" demo tape by the Swedish one-man band that was Arckanum, which was recorded in a rather lo-fi manner using a Fostex 4-track cassette tape recorder. What is not to love about a primitive set-up like that? "Första Trulen" differs slightly…


The German hardcore ensemble unleashes their 2nd full length with competent if inconsistent blend of Trivium, Biohazard and Killswitch Engage while echoying Earth Crisis for a sound typical for the genre despite crossing into progressive, death and thrash territory. "Zwishenwelt" (World Between) is an existential tale of a human soul caught between the polar political…

WHISKEY RITUAL – Black Metal Ultras

With a great band name like Whiskey Ritual, it should come as no surprise that these depraved fuckers revel in loud and filthy black/thrash that reeks of hatred and debauchery. Consisting of members of Forgotten Tomb and Hagzissa among others, the outfit started out as a side-project but eventually mutated into a proper band that…

ILLUM ADORA – …Of Serpentine Forces

The German act named Illum Adora revels and specializes in old-school (or traditional, if you will) black metal that hearkens back to the second and third waves of said genre, which is to say that it is quite reminiscent of many of the early-to-mid-90s Norwegian releases that were spawned all those years ago.  "…Of Serpentine…

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