- by Karina Noctum
- Posted on 31-10-2018
I had an overall idea of what kind of sounds I was coming to be delighted to listen to before entering the church. Stoner rock, Sludge, Funks fusions, Doom. A surplus of delightfully downtuned instruments. I had that in my mind when I entered the church gates and it struck me that this was going to be a pretty special experience.

HÄLLAS live@Høstsabbat 2018
Photo by Andrea Chirulescu
The crypt is quite a challenge acoustically. I think I spent considerable time moving around and kinda got a mental picture of how the sound waves traveled out from Säver’s instruments. I did experienced how the huge soils affect the sound. It was pretty crowded and if you do not get there on time, like I did, you can’t really see the band. So I opted to stand right beside the sound guy. But I must say that at times the crypt and its soils seemed to help enhance the sound of heavy sound of Sâver. The huge reverb the soils created an interesting sound effect. Their sound varied in intensity from the dense more Doom riffs to songs with fast tempos and perhaps more sludge like.
Then it was Hällas turn up in the church. They are Swedish and they are awesome. I had seen them at Beyond the Gates in Bergen the previous time and liked them a lot. Their show is pretty theatrical. They have really cool stage clothing, but well it’s their music what makes them worth seeing. I really like the vocals-they are just completely right for the genre. It was here in Oslo that I could fully appreciate the whole. Both the venue and the sound I think enhanced my experience. Now Hällas is a band that is pretty easy to like because pretty much every metalhead will feel the heavy metal moments ala Iron Maiden and react somehow. Those ingenious heavy metal moments are built in the right places. Hällas is pretty Black Sabbath as well so yeah is like a tour back to the roots of metal. I loved this time that I was able to see the scales the guitarists kept playing. Since the band became even better now so I’m really looking forward to see them a third time.

SPURV live@Høstsabbat 2018
Photo by Andrea Chirulescu
The second day brought bands that I’d checked out previous the festivals and wanted to see live. Taiga Woods guitar sound is something that I find pretty appealing. Low tuned but yet rhythmical.
I loved the bass sound in the song Epic that’s pretty prominent. The song has it’s stoner and psychedelic undertones. But my favorite is perhaps Soul Burning that is pretty catchy. They do master catchy riffs- at least the kind of catchy you wish for.
Elephant Tree was a band that many wanted to see. The sound is pretty slow and heavy. A blues influenced psychedelic doom. Lots of people enjoyed it but I must confess it is a tad too slow for me so the highlights for me that day were Dwaal which is a norwegian sludge band that kept me headbanging.

ELEPHANT TREE live@Høstsabbat 2018
Photo by Andrea Chirulescu
Dwaal was one of the best experiences out of the festival. Later on the swedes The Moth Gatherer entered to my favorite list sharing the first place with Dwaal. Both have in common the subtle velvety melody, the heartfelt vocals and awesome dense doom guitars. It has for the most part a mid to slow tempo but it has lots of building up. The drumming tones are pretty interesting and has lots of technique. It has the pretty subtle drumming that reminds me of jazz. The Moth Gatherer is pretty rhythmical in its own style. Some arrangements remind me of Katatonia, and goddamn I love Katatonia but yeah TMG’s sound being underground is at another uncompromising level so the comparison stops there. It’s just perfect to relax and bot boring by any means.

AMENRA live@Høstsabbat 2018
Photo by Andrea Chirulescu
So this was a pretty positive experience and I loved the venue, the atmosphere it gave to the whole musical experience. I enjoyed it a lot and it was refreshing to come in contact with genres and subgenres that I listen to relax mostly after rounds of extreme insanely fast music. I have always loved both extremes in metal and I’m glad I got to listen to so many new bands that make a great addition to my playlist. I’m pretty much looking forward to the next edition of the festival.