- by Karina Noctum
- Posted on 18-04-2018
Photo by Stig Pallesen/StiPa Photography
When I heard Inferno was booking Origin I thought it was excellent but a bit out of character. Either Origin is getting big or Inferno is getting even cooler. Either way Origin is one of my favorite bands and every concert is a blast. The last time I saw them we, Origin fans, were in a completely ridicule childish crusade complaining because Origin released an album that was a bit less technical than normal. In addition they were playing a bit grind, kinda going Misery Index, which is still excellent, of course. But we were expecting for them to further raise the bar when it comes to technicality even though is already high up. I guess one finds insane expectations in this subgenre because it attracts exaggerated people. The stupid complaining we did ended up in them playing dubstep before their show just to prove their point and remind us that even if they had changed slightly they are still brutal and not have gone precisely dubstep. Origin being prone to those kinda weird things used their time in Oslo to try to teach the norwegian audience how to look more like a Death Metal audience. I think he succeed in getting a minority of cold black metallers to move. Many I talked to had not heard about Origin before, but all of them were dazzled by the way they played. Especially the bassist. I was satisfied they played Saligia and The Aftermath that are my hits. They also played songs from their latest album Unparalleled Universe that took them back on track except for about two “less technical and more grind” songs and Brujeria cover that I find odd to be in there.

Emperor live@Inferno Metal Festival
Photo by Stig Pallesen/StiPa Photography