RAVENTALE – Full album streaming
- by Andrea Chirulescu
- Posted on 04-10-2017
-Album full stream-
October 5th, 2017
(Ashen Dominion)
The Formats
The Statement
From the depths of the space (darker than black), under the cronyism of two shadowed moons in eclipse and the Beasts (that dwell between the dimensions) the new order comes and new Chaos. They bring a monumental total nullification. This will be named as the new world Planetarium.
The Biography
Year 2009 brings the third album – “Mortal Aspirations”. This album is a distinctive piece of symphonic patterns and arrangements. It covers mostly ideas of self-knowledge and perishable aspirations.

“After” – the forth in turn album – is released in winter of 2010. This release is somewhat a continuation of the previous one and shows its logical conclusion.
The fifth full-lengths album – “Bringer Of Heartsore” – is released in autumn of year 2011. It’s songs are great mixture of numerous hues, moods and ideas, a kind of kaleidoscope of colors, which mix into the gray canvas of melancholy. The verses of Alexander Blok are used as lyrics for the album.
Autumn of 2012 is marked by the release of the sixth Raventale album – “Transcendence” – as on the eve of the Sixth Sun epoch. The main aim of the album is to tell of contemplation of transcendental and transcendent form of existence and transformation of your own self on the background of the conventionalities and immanent degradation of the modern civilization. “Memoires” – big compilation of re-recorded songs was released at 2013 by Satanath Rec. In the year 2015 BadMoonMan Music presents the eighth album by Ukrainian atmospheric black metal band Raventale entitled “Dark Substance of Dharma”. This conceptual album is devoted to Indian and Tibetan mythology and offers to fully plunge into the cosmic order of Dharma, to parse the principles of existence and perception of this World. Special attention paid to the recording process and skills reached at previous albums resulted in full and rich tone of the sound.
Morthvarg Scar – guitars, voice.
Athamas – bass, voice.
Grim Me – keyboards.
Khaoth – drums.
Produced by Raventale and Ashen Dominion
Cover art and design by Astaroth Merc
Music and lyrics by Astaroth Merc
Vocals by Athamas
1 Gemini – Behind Two Black Moons
2 Bringer Of Celestial Anomalies
3 At The Halls Of The Pleiades
4 New World Planetarium