Årets OUT & LOUD er avlyst

Årets OUT & LOUD er avlyst

Årets OUT & LOUD festival i Tyskland, er avlyst. Festivalen skulle vært arrangert siste helgen i Mai, men arrangørene ble tvunget til å avlyse. De lover derimot å være tilbake igjen i 2018.


Her er den offisielle uttalelsen fra Out & Loud:

Dear fans,

today, it is with a heavy heart that we have to announce the cancellation of 2017’s edition of OUT & LOUD festival.

We fought a long and hard fight to eventually make the festival happen against all odds, but we simply could not come up with suitable headlining acts due to various reasons – steadily increasing costs such as security, GEMA and band fees being some of them. 

That being said and as frustrating as it may be (believe us – noone is more let down by this than we are!), we will bring back the festival in 2018 and we started working on it the second we learned next year’s event would not take place. 

Already purchased tickets can be returned of course – more details will follow as soon as we have figured everything out with the reservation offices.

Thank you for understanding and your greatly appreciated support! We will make it up to you!

And as mentioned above: We´ll  bring Jack back in 2018, stronger than ever!