ANGERTEA – Snakes in Blossom

ANGERTEA – Snakes in Blossom

Together since 1996, Angertea have released four previous studio albums as well as having the great fortune to work with renowned producer Neil Kernon (Queensrÿche, Judas Priest). Not a bad resume for this Hungarian trio – who on their fifth full-length "Snakes in Blossom" perform an eclectic experimental grunge metal cocktail through these 10 tracks. What this means for the listener is occasionally jagged yet progressive-oriented rhythms and riffing, bass play that is as important as the electric riffing, and vocals that can be sneaky and soft one moment, then vessel bursting the next.

Proving you can love Tool and Jane’s Addiction as much as Alice in Chains, songs such as "Sinking in Strain", the evil "Seeds of Hell" and almost Rush-like "Instancy" prove Angertea accelerate heart rates and get brain to body stimulation going through their swinging musical chemistry. Not your average band for sure, "Snakes in Blossom" could gain cult appeal from those on the outside fringes who don’t mind progressive, left-field ideas colliding into a grunge metal foundation.