VILE CALIBER – Tomorrow’s For Those Who Dare

VILE CALIBER – Tomorrow’s For Those Who Dare

Finnish hard rock with a modern touch at times, Vile Caliber release an album in "Tomorrow’s For Those Who Dare" that has a lot in common with 80’s arena headliners like Skid Row and Warrant, along with a touch of that Euro-sleaze that has made a resurgence. Big hooks, party lyrics, and easy on the brain choruses will make you think "For the Sake of Romance" and "Animal" could easily have come from 1987. Artturi as a vocalist has a natural falsetto range, a little sleazy in a Billy Idol way sometimes – but struggles in the lower range for the ballad "Intertwine to Inspire"- sounding drug-induced and pitchy.

Overall though, the guitars roar and the grooves cement themselves quickly, making this a 34 minute album with plenty of potential to kick start any large heavy music gathering. Assuredly a lot of the sleaze hard rock community will pick this up – once they get a better handle on the best singing direction, Vile Caliber could advance up the ranks.