US three piece Horrendous follows up their brilliant debut "The Chills" with another masterpiece. "Ecdysis" is a modern death metal masterpiece, enough said.
It has "almost" everything required to satisfy hungry DM fanatics eager to hear something new and fresh. The sound, the arrangments, the vocal, the formidable riffs. It´s all here on "Ecdysis" and after giving the album a couple of spins I must say this is clearly a contendor for album of the year 2014!
Melody in chaos, combined with skilled musicianship, what more can you ask for in the various formulas the genre of death metal can span?

Death metal can be a lot of things but Horrendous defines what modern extreme metal with clearly inflluences from the great 90´s should sound like. This is a classic record for the history books so be smart, check it out now!