RONNI LE TEKRØ – Look out for the thieves, they whistle at night
- by Matt Coe
- Posted on 08-12-2014
TNT mastermind Ronni Le Tekrø has lately found back to his old band from 78-82 and they have recently released an album titled "Mein Ampf". According to Ronni this is psychedelic power pop and this is the first of three albums. When Eternal Terrors TNT fan Matt Coe got the chance to do an interview with Ronni, he said yes and here is the result of their communication. Enjoy.
Your new studio album titled "Mein Ampf" is quite a departure in terms of song styles to your regular work with TNT. How long did the songwriting take for this material and are you concerned how long time fans make take some of the left turn directions for "Planets in My Heart" and "You Know and I Know" for instance?
You should never make music for others, just for your own heart. I experiment a lot. I think I’ve created my own style with this album which is the first part of the MEIN AMPF trilogy, I like to call it psychedelic power pop.
The guitar solos still have that Le Tekrø touch of melody and supreme technical ability- "The Way We Feel" and "The Devil’s Blood" two of my favorites off "Mein Ampf". Are you a type of person that needs to plan out these instrumental sections or have some of your best lead breaks come out of pure jam/spontaneous play?
Parts of the solos are composed some are improvised. Most importantly I need a vital band to spin my solos off. I am a very impulsive person.

(Photo: Petter Stene)
The videos you’ve done for the new record have a lot of that old silent movie/ Charlie Chaplin feel to them. Tell us who came up with the concepts and is it something you’ve always had a fascination with through the years – the humor and body language conveying the story?
It was nice to hear that you like them. The script, storyboard etc. are written by me and filmed and edited by friends from the professional film industry. Friends of mine are acting and handpicked and instructed. I have a strong fascination for the 1920’s and I’m trying to implement the esthetics of that era in my music and videos.
You are coming out with a new album from your pre-TNT band years, an act called Roquefire. Can you provide some details on what people can expect from this release, is this all brand new material and how does it differ stylistically from TNT? From what I understand it was very spontaneous in terms of recording and writing, correct?
The album is out now in 666 limited LP print. It was spontaneous recoded and turned out really dark and vicious. It can’t be compared to TNT, this is my band from 77-82

Did the 30th anniversary shows with TNT and DVD/live record set refuel your desire to make the next TNT studio album just as special, especially now that Tony Harnell is back on vocals? How did it feel to have the orchestra behind you and all the vocalists from TNT on stage at various parts of the night?
It felt great have the symphony orchestra behind us, although I’ve played with various European symphony orchestras before that.
Do you think the era of guitar heroes in the rock/metal world is dead, or are we just dealing with a new generation of musicians who are exposed to all sorts of media hitting them 24/7 in comparison to the era you grew up in where releases and bands were more spaced out?
What do you mean:) I’m here still with more attention than ever. The guitar is supreme, it easily survives the internet.
What does Ronni Le Tekrø like to do for down time when you are not busy with your music endeavors to recharge your creative and emotional batteries so to speak?
A bottle of Jägermeister, a fishing pole, no people… just the sound of the river.

How do you handle the technique versus feel aspects when it comes to your approach to playing guitar? Has your approach changed from your youth to today?
I think my approach has changed a bit in terms of improvisation, other than that I’m still Ronni, 12 years old.
Favorite memories of the 1980’s, 1990’s, and 2000’s when it comes to either playing live, your songwriting, or other travel memories?
1980’s: Touring the states meeting so many nice Americans and getting friends for life. Great tours all over the world with TNT, entering the Billboard music charts several times, getting my 2 first kids.
1990’s : Exploring new progressive successful projects, more kids, a time where I totally resisted hard rock that came out of the US, where did the gun go? Metal became pretentious; I left the genre to return in 2002, now I’m back forever. Humour brings in music.
What is on the bucket list for you that you hope to accomplish for the rest of your lifetime? Any particular goals you haven’t achieved that you would like to?
To finish the recording of Mein Anpf 3 (Mein Mof 2 is coming out April). Other than that …if God hands me the cash I will build and run a big home for homeless kids.
What’s the best piece of advice concerning the music business that someone passed on to?
Look out for the thieves, they whistle at night.