WARPATH – Words of wisdom

WARPATH – Words of wisdom

(…this article is in English…)

Our fantastic uncle travelling Sigve has interviewed the Irish death metal outfit Warpath.

Warpath… could you please tell us who you are? 

We are a 6-piece Brutal Death Metal band from Dublin, Ireland. The line-up is Darren Keogh and Eoin Broughal on dual vocals, Graham Dunne on drums, Joe Merriman on guitars, Mark Brophy on bass and Karl Mulraney on guitars.


The short story of Warpath…

We started in 2005 as a 5-piece, released our debut album Gorefare in 2007. In 2009 we toured europe with Lividity and Requiem and released a live split album with them shortly after. Weve played a few festivals like Obscene Extreme in Czech Republic, Way of Darkness in Germany and Day of Darkness and Siege of Limerick in Ireland. We released our second album Malevolent Reprisal in 2010. This year sees us as a 6-piece writing material for our third release and touring more and new places.

You have been around for some time now and have shared the stage with some outstanding acts…your favorite moments?

Theres been so many man, every gig is always amazing and complete madness after the show. But my favourite moment personally was being main support for Cannibal Corpse in dublin. Them and Deicide are the reason i got into Death metal. Also hanging out with the Misery Index lads and the 90’s Dance King at OEF. Nothing but good times, laughs and about 20 pints each haha.

The art of creating music… How does Warpath create new songs?

We go to the pub at opening hours, drink Whiskey untill closing time then go to the studio haha. We all write at home and bring our riffs in to the studio. Four of us in the band play guitar so theres always riffs flying around. We then start jamming with our drummer Graham and get a basic structure down. If we dont like something, we get rid of it and use what works. We then try out different vocal patterns and when thats down we start on a new song.

The scene for brutal music in Ireland, could you please tell us about it?

I think the scene is good and strong here in Ireland. There are some great bands out there playing Brutal metal and everyone kinda knows everyone. The bands ive been digging lateley are Atrax Mantis, Putrefy, Zealot Cult, Slave Zero, Overoth and Zombified. There is a shortage of venues that will hold Metal gigs but the gigs are always great and have good turnouts. Theres some great guys out there promoting Extreme music and doing a great job putting on the gigs. Its a shame we dont get recognised more as a country in the Metal scene because there is alot of talented and hardworking bands in Ireland.

Why did you choose this style of music?

We chose it because we all love brutal, slamming metal music and its the most fun to play for us. We just love writing heavy power stomping riffs that everyone loves to headbang to, just like that riff you love to windmill to when your drunk at a gig.


Where do you draw your influences from?

We draw influences from all types of music and genres. We dont limit ourselves to one style. When writing riffs, i just play and whetever comes out is what your hear on our album. If you hear different genres and bands in our songs, its because we listen to so many bands that influence comes from everything. Between us all we listen to nearly every style of metal and other non-metal genres. Brutal Death, Grindcore, Old school Death, Hardcore. It all goes into the writing process along with a few swigs of good strong alcohol.

Who would you choose as a dance partner to go clubbing nineties-style?

Well your definitly coming partying with us next time we’re in Norway man. The Warparty with the 90’s Dance King. Other than that it would have to be Lemmy, he’s the man. I’d give anything to see him on the dancefloor haha.

Norway is well known for Black Metal, but what do you know about Norwegian metal apart from the BM scene?

I’ve heard a good few bands that i really like. I love …in pains by Cadaver, pure old school. Kraanium are heavy as fuck, great band. I fucking love The Sickening, been listening to them alot lately. Execration i heard recently and they’re cool, also the thrash/death band Imbalance,great drinking music. You have great bands up there and i hope the scene just gets stronger. My favourite Black Metal band would definitly be Immortal, grim frostbitten fucking metal, my kinda shit.

Jumping back and forth with the questions here, but what lies ahead for Warpath?

Well right now we are writing for our third album and trying to get more gigs outside Ireland. In the future we intened to tour and play as many countries as possible, more festival bills too. We are just going to keep pushing forward with full force and focus and see what happens. We all love doing what we do so we’ll be around for a long time.

We were supposed to see you guys over here on tour with Waco Jesus and Putrid Pile in March, but things happen in life that we can’t control, so   when will we see you guys in Norway?

Yea that was a real downer for us, we were crushed we couldnt do it but then again, it was out of our hands and beyond our control. Warpath wants to play outside Ireland as much as possible so we’ll get up there as soon as we can, we are dying to play norway and all of scandanavia, i hear that the people are just pure metal and friendly, and the beers great.


Since you guys are from Ireland, we have to ask…have you thrown a lot of stones and molotow cocktails throughout the years?

No never. Doing that sort of thing does not interest us at all. We have no problem with northern Ireland or any other form of religion, in fact some of our good friends are from the north. All of that went on before our time, its gotten alot better over the years and most of the issues have been resolved. Our religion is Metal, we treat everyone the way we like to be treated.

Top ten releases from the 90’s?

1. Deicide – Deicide.

2. Cannibal Corpse – Eaten back to life.

3. Morbid Angel – Covenant.

4. Obituary – Cause of Death.

5. Dying Fetus – Killing on adreniline.

6. Death – Human.

7. Baphomet – The Dead Shall Inherit

8. Gorguts – Considered Dead

9. Malevolent Creation – Retribution

10. Carcass – Necroticism-Descanting the Insalubrious.

If you could choose one 90’s dance artist each, who would you have chosen to be, or be with?

Scatman John, i’d say he was a great guy to hang out and party with. Or maybe the prodigy, Session 90’s style.

Alright that sums it up I guess. Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions for us. Any words of wisdom to end the interview?

I just want to say thank you for the interview and your support, we really appreciate it and hopefully we’ll be up in Norway for a gig sometime soon. Words of wisdom… Dont challenge Warpath to a drinking contest haha. Thanks again man and keep up the great work.
