- by Olve Kolden
- Posted on 18-08-2011
Children Of Technology includes Oslo on their European Tour, to die Metal Bierstube Unholy in Pilestredet. First on stage are Dishonorable Discharge and they deliver storming Norwegian Hardcore Punk.
Anarcistic loose sounding, and that’s something I like, but never I get the sharp feeling of the guitar. The vocals – all three – cut brutally through though, not to mention the drumming – extremely solid and hard punching, direct and superior over the band’s instrumentalists. The line-up of Dishonorable Discharge is partially linked to Summon The Crows; DD have a seven inch out on Vex Records.
With Children Of Technology we get a rather broader sound, this four piece band really fills the room. Want to give them credit for keeping the sound the old hard way, and still sounding like no one else. Again we get some beautiful brutal drumming, it kicks through the guitar’s sound wall through the whole concert. Have somehow always associated them with countrymates Fingernails, but Children Of Technology appears less Thrash’N’Roll and instead apocalyptic Punk Metal. Their set includes Bathory’s "You Don’t Move Me (I Don’t Give A Fuck)". You shouldn’t. Get out and watch these chaosmutants.