- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 29-06-2010
Entombed og The Kandidate stiller som supportband for Volbeat på deres Norges turne:
18.10 Studentersamfundet Trondheim
20.10 USF-Verftet Bergen
21.10 Byscenen Haugesund
22.10 Folken Stavanger
23.10 Sentrum Scene Oslo
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VOLBEAT announces support acts Entombed and The Kandidate for their "Beyond Hell/Above Heaven" 2010 tour!
"We're very happy to add Entombed as support to our European Tour. Entombed has been a huge inspiration and a band we've supported for 20 years". Says Michael Schøn Poulsen "And there's no one better to open the show than The Kandidate, Denmarks finest when it comes to death'n'roll"
"Stockholm death metal" simply wouldn't be without ENTOMBED – and that's despite that the band is much more than just pioneers within this genre. It is exactly 20 years ago that ENTOMBED released the groundbreaking death metal album "Left Hand Path" through the then equally groundbreaking label Earache Records; and shortly after the equally seminal albums "Clandestine" and "Wolwerine Blues" where especially the latter marked the band further and gave them the label death ‘n' roll.
Ever since then the band has constantly challenged themselves and the world with their totally unique approach and structure, composition and not least the choice of sound on the following albums. Here should be mentioned "Uprising", "Morning Star" and "Serpent Saints – The Ten Amendments". Always challenging as a band and never pandering to trends. It is, without a doubt, one of the most respected metal bands on the scene and now with 20 years of experience.
THE KANDIDATE is one of the absolute most coveted Danish talents on the metal scene. When the band went by the name The Downward Candidate they played Roskilde Festival and went on a marathon-tour around the country with Volbeat in 2007. Since then, all focus has been on making the most complete and uncompromising album possible. You must say that this has been done. All violently hard tracks running on "Until We Are Outnumbered" and the band has a unique approach which gives a broader understanding of why the band is so highly valued internationally. Equal parts punk, death metal and hardcore is the formula which leads the mind on bands such as Discharge, Autopsy and Entombed without explaining the full story though.
THE KANDIDATE has got it all right and they have already conquered big parts of the industry – next step is the audience. With one of Denmark's best front men, Jacob Bredahl, and the country's tightest rhythm section it shouldn't be the biggest problem.