HEXEN (Hate) – Polsk dynamitt
- by Rune
- Posted on 12-09-2009
Trommeslageren i det polske death metal bandet HATE kaller seg Hexen og er en sindig og dyktig herremann. Han foretrekker å ikke se på seg selv som noe stort, men heller en del av bandet. Han konsentrerer seg 100 % om å være bandets trommeslager og ingenting annet og gjør sjelden eller aldri intervjuer. Derfor er det en stor ære å kunne gi dere Hexens bidrag til vår The Blast Beast Series.

What is the force behind you being a drummer, that is, what keeps you going?
I come from a family with musical background and I have had lots to do with music since I was a child. When I was 7 my parents sent me to a musical school where I learned piano. I must admit I did not do well on that instrument. When I was 13 I started attending to another music school where I studied classical percussion. I must say I had a lot of fun doing that. One day my friend presented me some Scandinavian bands that were completely new to me: Opeth and Dissection. It was actually that moment when I started thinking about playing in a band.
You are playing in a genre where both technique and speed, together with groove, are important ingredients. what do you think is the most important of these?
I believe the most important thing in any kind of music is groove. Technique is a tool that makes it easier for a you to perform your ideas.
Which drummer has inspired you the most throughout the years, and what would you have said to him/her if you had the chance to meet him/her in person?
I've never had one favourite drummer. I think I get inspired by many drummers and instrumentalists.
Which is best while rehearsal alone; systematic progress or full improvisation?
I believe that concentration is the most important thing while rehearsing alone. Certainly It's more effective to practice one or two things for an hour a day than improvising without sense for 5 hours.
Do you have any "core rehearsal tips" that have given you a lot of progress in your drumming?
Well, yes. Recently I have been training on a snare covered with a towel. This improves my technique and saves hearing.
What is important for you while rehearsing new songs/riffs with your band? Is there something in particular you do or listen for?
First of all I need to make sure that what I play does help the riffs and not interfere with them. So I attach much importance to make detailed arrangements. To achieve this I need to pay attention to the riffs and their overall dynamics.

What is, your opinion, the biggest challenges for extreme drummers (or, generally speaking, drummers), and what can you do to work them out?
Well, frankly speaking I try not to take part in any race. I do not speak on drummers' forums or boast of my speed putting footages on youtube. I avoid that kind of things. I am far from being a virtuoso, but playing drums is still gives me a lot of fun and sometimes satisfaction too.
Wrist or fingers? Heel up or down? Why?
I think both techniques are worth knowing. I personally combine them. In slower parts and passages I use wrists rather, but blasts I play with my fingers. When it comes to legs, I keep my heels up while playing kick drums. I'm still learning to keep them down, but it's hard J
You must have rehearsed for an insame amount of hours o be as good a drummer as you are, Do you think it is worth it, and have you ever thought about quitting?
I am certain it was worth it. I never thought for a while to quit. Sometimes I had a crisis and I took breaks from playing. After a while I was able to play again and usually make some progress.
While playing at a concert: are you 100% concentrated about what you are doing, or do you notice some of the mood and energy among audience?
On stage I am usually well concentrated but I also feel atmosphere coming from the room. When you notice a good reaction of the public it helps you a lot. This energy can make you a slightly better drummer for a while.
Is it expensive to become a drummer, and what does it take outside all that can be bought for money to become a clever and good drummer in extreme metal?
It's a tough question. Of course, good equipment is quite costly. But it's not enough to have good equipment. You usually need to test lots of drum sets and cymbals to find those that suits you best. And it's not easy to decide which ones are really the best. So experience means everything in this matter.

And then some about your equipment:
I use Yamaha stage custom: toms 12', 13', 16', 2×22', 14' snare. When it comes to cymbals I usually use Sabjans: crash 16', 18', hi hat: 14', ride 20', china 22'.
Which snare drum and configuration do you like the best? 12", 13" or 14"? And which material? Wood, steel, brass, or bronze?
I use 14' steel snare which is optimal for my purposes.
What kind of pedal(s) do you uose? And which "settings" fits your style the best?
I use two single Axis longboard. At the moment I have them moderately strained; left pedal little looser than the right.
As always, we are rounding off with you picking the next drummer in these series. Pick a drummer, and explain why he/she deserves (!) o be one of our Blast Beasts.
Paul from Vader. One of the most talented guys I've heard recently.