ATHERA (Susperia) på sykehus
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 10-03-2009
www.susperia.net – www.myspace.com/susperiafans
OSLO,NORWAY: Athera ( Pål Mathieson) – Vocalist with Norwegian band SUSPERIA was rushed into Akershus Universitetssykehus Hospital in Lørenskog, Norway on the morning of March 9th suffering from acute stomach pains and heavy bleeding. Initial tests revealed that the singer had suffered a heart attack caused by a damaged blood vessel. Athera is currently in the intensive care unit under close observation, while further tests are carried out. He is expected to remain hospitalised for the foreseeable future. At this moment future plans including touring commitments remain unchanged, until a full diagnosis of his condition has been confirmed.
Athera recently completed vocals on SUSPERIA's 5th studio album, which is due for an early summer release through the bands new label Candlelight Records.
The band worked continuously throughout 2008 on the album which Athera described as "going back to the early days with the melancholic riffing and dark emotional vocals and coming all the way through to today, with a perfect blend of everything Susperia has been and become".
Everyone involved with the band wishes Athera a fast and speedy recovery.
Photo Credit: Kjell Ivar Lund