Oppdateringer i MELDRUM leiren

Oppdateringer i MELDRUM leiren

There's tons of exciting stuff goin' on in the MELDRUM camp.

The video for Purge with Gene Hoglan slamming on the drums is now up on our myspace: www.myspace.com/meldrumrocks!!!! Directed by a killer new upcoming dude by the name of Levan TK !!! A low res. version is now available on you tube, and a high res. version to be posted on our new website which should be done in the next few weeks.  You Tube link:

The new merchandise page is up, including your chance to buy the new MELDRUM cd "Blowin Up The Machine" signed by the girls !!!

The new MELDRUM cd "Blownin' Up The Machine" is invading Europe this week with great reviews, the girls are doing tons of interviews for the release. The exact date for the US release soon to be announced. It will be released in the US
(release date to be posted soon) on Locomotive Records with Ryko/Warner Distribution.

Also the girls have been writing and recording a bunch of new songs for the cd with Gene Hoglan slamming on the drums. They will begin tracking drums this summer so the cd can be out no later than fall 2008 !!! Leaving time for touring and all that in between of course !!!

On a sad note.Michelle's long time friend John Aldrete (aka Juan Alderete) bassist for Racer X and The Mars Volta was recently diagnosed with a rare blood disease. We encourage anyone to donate to the research of this rare disease. You can read more about his condition here.

Thanks for your help.

Also last but not least .

Meldrum_Blowin.jpgSpecial Merchandise Packages now available for a limited time only:

Merchandise Package : Signed "Blowin' Up The Machine Cd", Signed Bike Photo, Signed Poster Normally $30.97 Now Only $24.99 plus shipping and handling

Merchandise Package : Signed "Blowin' Up The Machine Cd", Signed Bike Photo, Live Dvd Normally $35.97 Now Only $29.99 plus shipping and handling

Orders can placed at www.meldrum.nu

Some items are running low so get them at this special price while you can. Keep on rockin' in a fucked up world, and STAY HARD !!!!

