LYDIA LASKA annonserer gjesteartister
- by Eternal Terror Admin
- Posted on 09-05-2007
Notorious Norwegian Punk rockers LYDIA LASKA, whose live show got them kicked off the stage at the recent Stavanger Punk Rock Festival, have announced an unlikely trinity of guests who will be contributing vocals and guitars on their forthcoming release "We're Nothing Compared To Ourselves".
The four-track MCD, to be released in June on Duplicate records, will feature guest vocals from Emil Nikolaisen (SERENA MANEESH) and Maniac (SKITLIV, TEAM ARMSTRONG, ex MAYHEM), and a guitar solo from Jan Devik (PRUDENCE, FOLQUE, and JUNIPHER GREEN). "I suppose you could say we are trying to hedge our bets a bit for the afterlife," commented drummer Voldswagen with tongue firmly in cheek. "We have representatives from Christianity, the Dark Side, and a fervent supporter of ‘anti any Religion in general'. We'll leave everyone to work out who represents what. As for ourselves we: are just nihilistic hobos who couldn't care less. Or at least no more than less."
The release party for "We're Nothing Compared To Ourselves" is scheduled to take place on June 30th, at the Garage in Oslo. Unfinished tracks from the MCD can be heard on the LYDIA LASKA's official MySpace page at www.myspace.com/lydialaska.