DYSSEBEIA – Garden Of Stillborn Idols

RELEASE YEAR: 2023 BAND URL: https://dyssebeia.bandcamp.com Dyssebeia is a brand new (2020 inception) Swiss progressive technical melodic death metal quartet consisting of Alexandre Bu Sotirov (vocals), André Bogado Merlin (guitarist), Duran K. Bathija (bass), Samuel Jakubec (drums) whose debut album Garden Of Stillborn Idols²⁰²³ was released on November 16th via the ever mightier Transcending Obscurity…


RELEASE YEAR: 2023  BAND URL: https://greenlabyrinth.net/ The Swiss outfit known as Green Labyrinth was a completely new discovery but a welcome one for me as their eclectic take on highly dramatic and epic prog metal suits my mood these days. As I stated before, this primarily falls within the progressive metal sphere, but one could make…


RELEASE YEAR: 2023  BAND URL: https://thegroundshaker.com/ Swiss rockers The Ground Shaker are about to unleash this explosive and energetic offering of theirs in May via Fastball Music, and if alternative rock with punchy choruses and crunchy riffs is your cup of tea then you need to check this uplifting opus out. I have yet to listen…

MALPHAS – Divinity’s Fall

RELEASE YEAR: 2022BAND URL: https://folterrecords.bandcamp.com/album/divinitys-fall Melodic black metal is the order of the day here, and the Swiss act Malphas delivers an incredibly well-structured and potent slab of epic music with plenty of aggression and viciousness to it. The compositions harbor dynamics and quite a few interesting nuances and layers that recall early Dissection and…

SILVER DUST – Lullabies

RELEASE YEAR: 2022  BAND URL: https://www.facebook.com/SilverDustOnline The latest opus by Swiss act Silver Dust, namely the goth-tinged “Lullabies”, was a rather pleasant surprise to these ears in that it incorporates traits and elements from theatrical rock and dark electro rock to good effect. This is the outfit’s fourth full-length album and undoubtedly the most accomplished one…

ASKARA – Lights of Night

RELEASE YEAR: 2022BAND URL: https://www.facebook.com/Askaraband/ This sophomore full-length album by Swiss dark metallers Askara is about to see the light of day via Fastball Music, and I must say that this one turned out to be a rather interesting musical encounter in that their brand of morose metal possesses a strangely romantic aura that I…