ARCTIC DREAM – interview

ARCTIC DREAM – interview

Introduce your band, and describe your latest release:

[ALEX_Y]: “Hi. Our band is called ‘Arctic dreams’, we play such a crazy mixture of heavy music, electronic gothic and classical music. Our latest release is about Vikings and it is very different from the debut album.”

[GENA]: “ We play metal. Blacker than the blackness of infinity ”

[NENAD]: “Cyber symphonic Poccstein”

[ROMAN]: “Industrial-Death-Metal”

What’s the hardest part about being a band in this day and age?

[ALEX_Y]: “To combine musical activities with regular work”

[GENA]: “ Pay bills ”

[NENAD]: “The state of the way we consume and music online, I would say exposure.”

[ROMAN]: “To earn money somewhere else”

When did you realise that your project had the potential to be much more than just a fun idea?

[ALEX_Y]: “From the very beginning, we created the project to make music seriously.”

[GENA]: “ When Alex showed me the tracks from the first album ”

[NENAD]: “I wasn’t here at the beginning, but when I got in I saw the potential already there, and more potential to be more than it could be.”

Tell us about your latest release, why should we check it out?

[ALEX_Y]: “As I answered in the first question, our new release is significantly different from what we’ve done before. You will be pleasantly surprised))”

[GENA]: “ Why not =) ”

[NENAD]: “It is a step into the evolution of the band. More brutal take but all the elements are there.”

[ROMAN]: “-”

How does a song typically come together for you?

[ALEX_Y]: “Well, first I get an idea in my head, then it matures in my head like wine. And then I sit down and turn it into words and notes.”

[GENA]: “ Ideas come to mind on their own at different moments, I record them in tabs or in my DAW. We share these ideas within the band, developing them and that’s how they turn into songs ”

[NENAD]: “I get a riff and or a melody in my head and translate it onto an instrument. Then like blocks, I put it all together until it makes sense with all the layers needed.”

[ROMAN]: “Guys share the tabs with me and I write drums for it”

How would you describe your sound to an unfamiliar reader?
[ALEX_Y]: “Like I answered the first question: a wild mix of metal, gothic and classical”

[GENA]: “ Metal with a touch of electronics and classical instruments ”

[NENAD]: “A combination of symphonic metal with industrial elements.”

[ROMAN]: “A bit of blast beats, a bit of trumpets, a bit of electronic sounds, in short, a bit of everything”

What do you want listeners to take away from listening to your band?

[ALEX_Y]: “The message and mood we create in our compositions”

[GENA]: “ Any emotion our music leaves will be fine ”

[NENAD]: “Moshing to trumpets in the pit.”

[ROMAN]: “Fun”

Where would you really like to tour that you haven’t done so yet, and why?

[ALEX_Y]: “ Wacken and Hellfest. I think the best metal audience gathers there.”

[GENA]: “ I want a world tour, North and South America, Asia. ”

[NENAD]: “South America. It is the only continent I haven’t been to yet, and heard that the crowd is wild there.”

[ROMAN]: “Olimpiysky Stadium in Moscow”

How would you say that the sound of your band has progressed over the years?

[ALEX_Y]: “It’s becoming more mature and interesting”

[GENA]: “ I just joined the band, so it’s too early for me to talk about it. ”

[NENAD]: “More complex, creative, and flowing.”

[ROMAN]: “I don’t know, I just got here”

How excited are you for 2024, and what can fans expect from you?

[ALEX_Y]: “Well we’ve finally released a single from the upcoming album and started a new chapter.”

[GENA]: “I just hope things don’t get any worse than they already are. ”

[NENAD]: “If I could turn back time, I would find a way.”

[ROMAN]: “-”

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