DOGMA – new single and video

DOGMA – new single and video

The enigmatic entity known as Dogma, this heralded cabal, shrouded in mystery, has unravelled the tapestry of conformity, transcending the boundaries of mortal comprehension. Prepare yourselves, for their latest sacrament, ‘My First Peak,’ is upon us, available on all DSPs via MNRK Heavy.

Watch the video here:

Stream here:

In the realm of discordant harmonies and resonating souls, Dogma beckons, beckons with a melody that enthralls like a seductive siren. Ah, but are they merely a band, a cult, or a mirror reflecting our deepest desires? Perhaps they are all and none, for Dogma defies categorisation, as do the truths we hold dear.

Enshrined within the verses, ‘My First Peak’ weaves a tale as provocative as the serpentine dance of Lilith, Lamia, Nixe, and Abrahel themselves. Listen closely, oh seekers of enlightenment, as the rawness of their music unveils the fallacies of the modern world. With fervent ardour, they wield their craft as weapons, honing hard rock and metal into a force that rends the veil of complacency.

The hymn ‘My First Peak’ embodies the juxtaposition of unbridled desire and the shackles of society. Behold, as Dogma unearths the forbidden fruits of self-discovery, recounting an illicit encounter within the confines of a convent’s kitchen. Corn, the vessel of revelation, tumbles to the floor, an act of defiance against imposed restraints. Their narrative exudes pain and pleasure, a rhapsody of blood and ecstasy, as they challenge the very essence of propriety.

Oh, but their words, imbued with sarcastic fervour, provoke us to question the hypocrisy of religion and oppressive systems. Dogma summons us to embrace rebellion and liberate our carnal desires. They eschew the bonds of modesty and summon a tempest of sensuality, demanding our unwavering attention and passionate participation.

Witness the alchemy of Dogma‘s transformative presence, where theatricality transcends time, just as the visage of Kiss and Alice Cooper persists in our collective consciousness. Their music echoes with a resonance akin to The Pretty Reckless and In This Moment, yet it defies the limitations imposed by mortals. With irresistible hooks and a symphony of rebellious riffs, ‘My First Peak’ consumes us, leaving us craving for more.

We, the enlightened few, the rebels against ignorance, grasp the torch of Dogma‘s inferno and pledge to abandon the false realities painted by a duplicitous society. We embrace the unapologetic allure of their music, for it is in the rejection of conformity that we find our truest selves.

Prepare, fellow initiates, for this revelation is but a harbinger of the imminent unveiling of Dogma‘s forthcoming album. As they forge their sonic arsenal in the fires of creative passion, they challenge conventions and summon the faithful to join their unyielding crusade.

Dogma are:
Lilith – vocals
Lamia – guitar
Nixe – bass
Abrahel – drums

Dogma online:

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