After receiving both of Empyreal Destroyer's singles I became curious about the recently started band and their music so I sent them a mail asking if they would like to do a mail interview. The response was "This is fine. Send us over the questions. However, please be aware that there are certain things we don't like to talk about, so please keep it to music stuff only" which was fine by me since I don't know the first thing about the band members and couldn't care less what they had for dinner last night or where they woke up last Thursday. However, since I had no clue as to which questions they might find offensive, and I wanted to get a glimpse inside their heads I sent them this mail to get some insight to the way these fast rising islanders think risking the chance of being cursed by asking some relatively innocent questions.
Soon to release their first full length album!

Eternal-Terror: Name and position in band?
Shadow Venger
: Shadow Venger – Guitars

Eternal-Terror: How are you doing right now?
Shadow Venger
: I'm alright, thanks

Eternal-Terror: Describe your music for our readers:
Shadow Venger
: If you can imagine what a Horror or Action movie would sound like as a Metal song, that's what we sound like. If not, we basically sound like a nice balance of all things Metal without being too technical or too melodic.

Eternal-Terror: How did the band come together?
Shadow Venger
: We used to go to school together.

Eternal-Terror: Witch bands did you look up to when you were growing up?
Shadow Venger
: When I was a little kid I was into Michael Jackson but got into stuff like Skid Row and Metallica when I got a bit older.

Eternal-Terror: Why are you satisfied with your latest album?
Shadow Venger
: It's not totally finished yet. It needs a little more mixing and then mastering.

Eternal-Terror: What is the worst thing you have heard about your newest album?
Shadow Venger
: There was a review from a site in Germany that gave us a 3 out of 10 and it basically said everything was shit about the cd.

Eternal-Terror: Do you feel like you have accomplished everything you could with your latest album?
Shadow Venger
: Recording wise, yes. But we're always improving and progressing so there's a lot more to come.




Eternal-Terror: How has the feedback been so far?
Shadow Venger
: Some people love it, some just like it and a few people hate it.

Eternal-Terror: Are you trying to send a message with the music?
Shadow Venger
: I don't write lyrics but with the music, it depends on the song but I usually try to make it sound exciting and powerful, the kind of thing that gets you fired up and you feel like you can take on the world.

Eternal-Terror: How did you first get attracted to extreme music?
Shadow Venger
: It just sounded like how I feel inside so there was an immediate attraction.

Eternal-Terror: When did you decide that you wanted to play in a band?
Shadow Venger
: I used to play piano when I was a kid so I've always wanted to play and make music.

Eternal-Terror: Do you prefer to work on the songs, (writing, and recording) or to be out on the road playing your music?
Shadow Venger
: I don't like the road much. Playing is cool but I find the travelling boring and sleeping in vans or on someone's floor isn't great either especially if you want to deliver a great performance the next day. I like building up and hearing the songs come to life in the studio. Trying to play everything perfectly is stressful but the end results are worth it.

Eternal-Terror: Are you planning a European tour to support the album?
Shadow Venger
: I don't know yet, we'll have to see what happens in 2008.

Eternal-Terror: What motivates you to continue playing music?
Shadow Venger
: Many things. Mostly because I just love to play, but also to prove all the people wrong who never believed in me and also to annihilate the bands that are unworthy of their success.




Eternal-Terror: What are you up to these days?
Shadow Venger
: Mostly playing/practising or helping out other people with their playing.

Eternal-Terror: What does the future hold for the band?
Shadow Venger
: Many good things hopefully.

Eternal-Terror: What music/bands do you listen to?
Shadow Venger
: I'm really into Arsis and Kamelot at the moment.

Eternal-Terror: What would you be doing if you had not dedicated your life to music?
Shadow Venger
: Probably I'd be some sort of athlete or doing something that requires dedication.

Eternal-Terror: What do you do when you are not focusing on the band?
Shadow Venger
: Probably the only time I'm not focusing on the band is when I'm sleeping. It's like an obsession for me.

Eternal-Terror: What do you believe in?
Shadow Venger
: I believe in what I know to be real and myself, sometimes.

Eternal-Terror: What makes you angry?
Shadow Venger
: Terrorists, happy slapping (that's when kids attack random people on the street and film it on their phones and put it online) but also stupid things like slow or no internet or lazy bands that expect things to be done for them. Loads of stuff really.

Eternal-Terror: Have you started writing material for your next album?
Shadow Venger
: There's a few riffs and stuff but not really. This album has only just been finished.

Eternal-Terror: And to finish of: Why should anybody buy your album?
Shadow Venger
: If I could, I'd give the album away for free but we worked really hard on this and we really need the money and the 'numbers'. Besides, it would be one of the best Metal cds you get, you need it 😉 We actually give away a lot of free promo cds of rough mixes of the songs because we're proud of what we've done and want everyone to hear it.