NATTMANN – new EP out

NATTMANN – new EP out

January 18th 2024 is the release day for the third EP “Et Jordsmonn Av Døde” by black metallers NATTMANN. The release is now available digitally on all major streaming services, including Bandcamp and it consists of 4 tracks, recorded by the band and mixed/mastered by Tom Kvålsvoll (Kvalsonic Labs)

NATTMANN is a Norwegian black metal inspired by our society, morality and executions from the 1600s throughout the 1800s.

Drawing focus to the disgrace, horror, atrocities and agony in the events that occurred; Nattmann paints a dark musical landscape of human mindset, power, injustice and abuse of power.

Nattmann (Man of the night) derives their name from the role of local pariahs that, among other disgraceful tasks, assisted the executioner in his dark deeds.

Void of religious and political views, the material contains phrases and mindset from the culture and way of life from this era. 

SoundCloud (streaming):


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