PRONG – State of Emergency
- by J.N.
- Posted on 25-09-2023
BAND URL: https://www.facebook.com/prongmusic/
Receiving a promo album by long-running New York metal act Prong always a brings a smile to my face, and not merely because they have a nostalgic effect on me due to their records from the 90s having had a big impact on me but because they always seem to do exactly what they want. There is never really any compromise with Tommy Victor and his skilled band mates, is there? The fearsome entity is stubbornly marching on and defying all trends and fads, and I love Prong for that (and their ability to fuse kick-ass metal with hardcore so effortlessly). Their upcoming assault on the senses is entitled State of Emergency and is a fierce and hard-hitting affair that boasts a punchy production and an abundance of crunchy, bone-breaking riffs. Although there are more solid and impressive entries in their discography, the disc delivers several impactful tunes and great moments with groovy, rip-roaring delights such as ‘Breaking Point’, ‘Compliant’, ‘Disconnected’, and ‘Non-Existence’ being the best of the bunch. Although the first two songs (‘The Descent’ and the title track) feel somewhat mundane and uninspired, things take a serious turn by the time the aforementioned ‘Breaking Point’ rears its malevolent head, and from that point on you are pretty much spoiled for choice when trying to choose a favorite. Prong sound as vibrant as ever and State of Emergency is definitely worth exploring.