SILVERBURN – new album out

SILVERBURN – new album out

SILVERBURN, the new solo project by James ‘Jimbob’ Isaac is releasing its debut album Self Induced Transcendental Annihilation on MSH Group Music today, August 11.

Jimbob, known from his previous bands Taint and Hark, recorded the new album during lockdown in 2020. He handled all vocals, guitar, bass and drums himself. With this album, Jimbob has meticulously crafted a wholly uncompromising solo offering in the truest sense. This album takes zero prisoners. A true dark night of the soul, in stereo.

Self Induced Transcendental Annihilation is a healing rite of passage. A hero’s metallic journey of total annihilation, rebirth and healing through fire. With Isaac’s legacy traversing his former bands Taint and Hark, this album marks a shift forward from his tried, tested and influential ‘stoner rock/post-hardcore/prog-sludge’ template. Whilst followers and fans of his signature roots may take some surprise over the hard hitting direction of Silverburn, the DNA of these songs resides firmly within Isaac’s authentic canon of influences. From the world-ending double-kick maelstrom of opening track “Annihilation” to the cinematic, discordant chug and release of “Etheric Crush” this album draws from Isaac’s beloved eras of 90’s metal and 2000’s metallic hardcore/math/noisecore/space/sludge metal.

Silverburn live are a three piece now and one of their first shows will be at Arctangent in the UK in August.

Being around for a while, Jimbob has toured with the likes of Clutch, Baroness, Kylesa, Prong, KEN mode and others over the years with his previous bands Taint and Hark.

Botch, Knut, Mastodon, Knut, Converge, Keelhaul, Today Is The Day, Unsane, Crowbar, Sepultura, Neurosis, Helmet are among artists that have been a big inspirition for Silverburn and this album.

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